abide lietuviškai
abide vertimas v (abode, abided) 1) būti, gyventi; to abide by tvirtai laikytis; 2) (pa)kęsti; he cannot abide him jis nepakenčia jo
- abide by (v.) gerbti, paklusti, paisyti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (permit) to put up with something or somebody unpleasant
- (be) to continue in a place, position, or situation
abide sinonimai withstand, await, be, continue, endure, live in, remain, sit, sojourn, stay, stomach, wait, wait for, absorb, bear, brook, digest, endure, put up, put up with, stand, stick out, stomach, suffer, support, sustain, take, tolerate, weather, bide, remain, stay
Netoliese abide esantys žodžiai