account lietuviškai
account vertimas 1. n 1) sąskaita; account current (sutr. a/c) einamoji sąskaita; 2) ataskaita; to call to account pareikalauti pasiaiškinti; 3) pranešimas; 4) kom. faktūra; of no account nežymus, nedidelis; on account of dėl; on no account jokiu būdu; on account kreditan; to turn to accountpakreipti savo naudai; to take into accountatsižvelgti; įkalkuliuoti;2. v laikyti; to account for aiškinti
- account book (n.) didžioji knyga
- account for (v.) pateisinti
- account for () paaiškinti
- account statement (n.) sąskaitos, pasakojimas, ataskaita
- on account of () nuo, dėl, per, atsižvelgiant į, turint galvoje, turint omeny, jei, ið, dėl to, kad
- consolidated account (n.) konsoliduotoji finansinė ataskaita
- cash account (n.) kasos aparatas
- book of account (n.) didžioji knyga
- bank account (n.) indėlis
- trading account (n.) apyvartinė sąskaita
- take account (v.) suprasti
- no-account (adj.) niekam tikęs, netikėlis
- on no account () tikrai ne, jokiu būdu, nieku gyvu, žinoma, ne, visiškai ne
- take into account (v.) paisyti, skaitytis su, kreipti dėmesį į, numatyti, atsižvelgti, turėti omeny, imtis, leistis į, turėti galvoje, puoselėti, įsigilinti, įsileisti, kreipti dėmesį
- historical account (n.) chronologinis faktų išdėstymas
- current account (n.) einamoji sąskaita
- Current account Einamosios sąskaitos balansas
- expense account (n.) reikalavimas, pretenzijos, ieškinys
- savings account (n.) taupomoji sąskaita
- International Bank Account Number IBAN
- unit of account (n.) vienetas, padala
- (history) a record or narrative description of past events
- (news) a short account of the news
- (relationship) a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking, brokerage, or business services
- (explanation) a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure, operation, circumstances, or so on
- (importance) importance or value Type of: importance
- (account statement) a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
- (informing) the act of informing by verbal report
- (bill) an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
- (profit) the quality of taking advantage Type of: profit
- (rational motive) a rational motive for a belief or action
- (be) to be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something Type of: be
- (calculate) to keep an account of
- (inform) to give an account or representation of in words
- (declare) to furnish a justifying analysis or explanation
account sinonimai accounting, accounts, account statement, bank account, bill, books, business relationship, chit, chronicle, consequence, consideration, construction, description, disquisition, distinction, explanation, explication, exposé, exposition, ground, grounds, history, importance, interpretation, invoice, justification, ledger, motive, narration, news report, profit, reason, recital, reckoning, relation, report, reputation, score, statement, story, tab, tale, value, version, write up, write-up, check, demand deposits, account for, answer for, calculate, describe, explain away, give an account, give an account of, justify o.s., make a report, report, warrant