act lietuviškai
act vertimas 1. n 1) veiksmas, veikimas; to be in the act ofketinti ką nors (pa)daryti; 2) teatr. veiksmas; 3) poelgis, pasielgimas; 4) dokumentas; aktas; 5) darbas; 6) įstatymas; nutarimas;2. v 1) veikti; 2) elgtis; 3) vaidinti; to act as interpreter eiti vertėjo pareigas;to act the fool vaidinti kvailį; acting 1. a 1) veikiąs; 2) laikinai einąs pareigas;2. n teatr. vaidinimas
- act a part (v.) apsimesti, despotiškai elgtis su, įsivaizdinti
- act as (v.) vaidinti, dėtis, veikti, eiti pareigas
- act big (v.) įsivaizdinti, begėdiškai neigti, puikuotis
- act for (v.) veikti kieno vardu, reprezentuoti, atstovauti, pavaduoti
- act in behalf of (v.) reprezentuoti, veikti kieno vardu, atstovauti, pavaduoti
- act as if (v.) apsimesti, nuduoti, apsimetinėti
- act of revenge (n.) atsikeršijimas, atkeršijimas, kerštas
- act out (v.) vaidinti
- action for failure to act (n.) ieškinys dėl neveikimo
- finance act (n.) finansų įstatymas
- act upon (v.) veikti, pradėti veikti, įsigalioti, elgtis pagal, remtis, daryti įtaką
- play-act (v.) apsimesti, despotiškai elgtis su, įsivaizdinti
- papal act (n.) popiežiaus bulė
- act superior (v.) apsimesti, despotiškai elgtis su, įsivaizdinti
- sex act (n.) lytinis aktas, sueitis, lytiniai santykiai
- Community act (n.) Bendrijos aktas
- act in conjunction (v.) bendradarbiauti, padėti, pagelbėti, susivienyti, drauge dirbti, suvienyti pastangas
- act like (v.) elgtis, reaguoti
- act of terrorism (n.) terorizmas
- act on behalf of (v.) veikti kieno vardu, atstovauti, pavaduoti
- put on an act (v.) apsimesti, despotiškai elgtis su, įsivaizdinti
- put on an act () apsimesti, nuduoti, apsimetinėti
- sexual act (n.) lytinis aktas, sueitis, lytiniai santykiai
- Single European Act (n.) Europos bendrasis aktas
- Trade Expansion Act (n.) Prekybos plėtros aktas
- act on (v.) elgtis pagal, veikti, pradėti veikti, įsigalioti, vytis, persekioti, remtis
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 1964 metų pilietinių teisių aktas
- Glass–Steagall Act Glasso-Steagallo aktas
- Indian Removal Act Indėnų iškeldinimo aktas
- Telecommunications Act of 1996 JAV telekomunikacijų aktas
- (law) a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee, society, or legislative body
- (event) something that people do or cause to happen
- (dramatic composition) a subdivision of a play, opera, or ballet Type of: dramatic composition. Part of: ballet |dramatic play |opera
- (performance) a short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program
- (expression) a manifestation of insincerity Type of: expression
- (move) to perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
- (behave, certain manner) to behave in a certain manner; to show a certain behavior; to conduct or comport oneself
- (performing arts) to play a role or part
- (serve) to discharge one's duties Type of: serve
- (act as) to pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind
- (be) to be suitable for theatrical performance Type of: be. Similar to: playact
- (succeed) to have an effect or outcome, often the one desired or expected
- (be engaged, activity) to be engaged in an activity, often for no particular purpose other than pleasure
- (dissemble) to behave unnaturally or affectedly
- (dramaturgy) to perform on a stage or theater
act sinonimai action, bill, bit, crackdown, deed, enactment, human action, human activity, law, number, routine, turn, certificate, instrument, juridical act, legal act, legal document, legal transaction, official document, deed, legal instrument, record, act as, act like, act on, act upon, affect, appear, be effective, behave, behave like, be valid, characterise, count, counterfeit, dissemble, do, enact, execute, feign, function, have an effect, imitate, impersonate, move, perform, personate, play, playact, portray, pretend, pretend to be, proceed, produce an effect, react, represent, roleplay, seem, sham, simulate, take action, take effect, work, operate, proceed, take action, acquit, act like, bear, behave, behave like, behave o.s., carry, comport, comport o.s., conduct, conduct o.s., deport, play, pretend to be