allowance lietuviškai
allowance vertimas n 1) pagalba pinigais; kišenpinigiai; 2)tech. leidžiama paklaida; 3) išlaikymas; to make allowance(s) foratsižvelgti
- parliamentary allowance (n.) parlamento nario priemoka
- tax-free allowance (n.) neapmokestinimo nuolaida
- secretarial allowance (n.) priemoka kanceliarinėms reikmėms
- installation allowance (n.) įsikūrimo pašalpa
- parental allowance (n.) vaiko priežiūros pašalpa
- care allowance (n.) globos pašalpa
- make allowance for () paisyti, skaitytis su, numatyti, atsižvelgti, turėti omeny, imtis, leistis į, turėti galvoje, puoselėti, įsigilinti, įsileisti, kreipti dėmesį
- (share) an amount allowed or granted (as during a given period) Type of: share
- (reimbursement) a sum granted as reimbursement for expenses Type of: reimbursement
- (recompense) an amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances
- (discrepancy) a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
- (reserve account) a reserve fund created by a charge against profits to provide for changes in the value of a company's assets
- (license) the act of allowing Type of: license
- (allow) to put on a fixed allowance, as of food Type of: allow
allowance sinonimai acknowledgment, adjustment, admission, advance, agreement, allotment, allowance account, annuity, apportionment, approbation, appropriation, approval, authority, authorization, bounty, compensation, concession, confession, consideration, deduction, discount, dole, donation, earnings, empowerment, endowment, gratuity, income, indulgence, leave, leniency, long-suffering, margin, obligingness, payment of expenses, permission, permit, pocket money, pocket-money, quota, rebate, reduction, remission, remuneration, salary, sanction, scholarship, share, stipend, subsidy, tolerance, valuation account, valuation reserve, wages, authorisation, leeway, licence, license