approve lietuviškai
approve vertimas v 1) patvirtinti; 2) pritarti; 3) pasireikšti, pasirodyti; he approved himself a good student jis pasirodė esąs geras studentas
- (authorize) to give sanction to
- (evaluate) to judge to be right or commendable; to think well of Type of: evaluate. Follows: like
approve sinonimai accept, acknowledge, agree on, agree to, agree with, allow, applaud, appreciate, approve of, assent to, authorize, autograph, back, back sth. up, be in agreement with, certify, clap, commend, confirm, consent to, countenance, endorse, give one's approval, legislate, nod, O.K., okay, pass, praise, ratify, recognize, recommend, sanction, sign, subscribe to, support, uphold, validate, acquiesce in, authorise, go along with