bank lietuviškai
bank vertimas I1. n 1) (upės, kanalo) krantas; 2) pylimas; 3) sekluma; sąnaša;2. v 1) supilti pylimą; užnešti; the snow has banked updaug sniego užvertė; 2) av. pasvirti; II1. n 1) bankas; The B.Anglijos bankas; 2) attr banko, bankinis;2. v 1) padėti pinigus į banką; 2) laikyti banke pinigus; 3) būti bankininku; to bank on/upon tikėtis, pasikliauti (kuo nors)
- central bank (n.) centrinis bankas
- Central bank Centrinis bankas
- Bank of Japan Japonijos bankas
- bank deposit (n.) indėlis, banko indėlis
- bank deposit (n.) banko indėlis
- bank bill (n.) banknotas
- bank note (n.) banknotas
- bank-note (n.) banknotas
- bank cash certificate (n.) apmokėta sąskaita, čekis
- bank check (n.) čekis
- bank holiday (n.) didžioji valstybinė šventė
- bank building (n.) bankas
- World Bank (n.) Pasaulio bankas
- World Bank Pasaulio Bankas
- bank account (n.) indėlis
- bank on (v.) pasikliauti, tikėtis, pasitikėti
- bank clerk (n.) kasininkas
- bank of keys (n.) klaviatūra, rankinė klaviatūra, manualas, klavišinis, klavišinis instrumentas
- commercial bank (n.) komercinis bankas
- Commercial bank Komercinė bankininkystė
- bank holdup (n.) užpuolimas
- bank charges (n.) mokesčiai už banko paslaugas
- West Bank question (n.) Vakarų kranto klausimas
- agricultural bank (n.) žemės ūkio bankas
- cooperative bank (n.) kooperatinis bankas
- African Development Bank (n.) Afrikos plėtros bankas
- European Central Bank (n.) Europos centrinis bankas
- European Central Bank Europos Centrinis Bankas
- land bank (n.) žemės bankas
- private bank (n.) privatus bankas
- data bank (n.) duomenų bankas, duomenø bankas
- development bank (n.) plėtros bankas
- investment bank (n.) investicijų bankas
- Merchant bank Verslo bankininkystė
- mortgage bank (n.) hipotekos bankas
- people's bank (n.) liaudies bankas
- public bank (n.) valstybinis bankas
- savings bank (n.) taupomasis bankas, taupyklė
- savings bank (n.) taupomasis bankas
- Savings bank Taupomasis bankas
- (sloping land, especially) sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water) Type of: slope
- (financial institution) a financial institution that accepts deposits and channels the money into lending activities
- (ridge) a long ridge or pile Type of: ridge
- (array) an arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
- (reserve) a supply or stock held in reserve for future use (especially in emergencies) Type of: reserve
- (funds) the funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games Type of: funds
- (cant) a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside to reduce the effects of centrifugal force
- (container) a container (usually with a slot in the top) for keeping money at home
- (depository) a building in which the business of banking transacted
- (flight maneuver) a flight maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning) Type of: flight maneuver
- (tip) to tip laterally Type of: tip
- (enclose) to enclose with a bank Type of: enclose
- (transact) to do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank Type of: transact
- (act) to act as the banker in a game or in gambling Type of: act
- (do work) to be in the banking business Type of: do work
- (give) to put into a bank account
- (cover) to cover with ashes so to control the rate of burning Type of: cover
- (believe) to have confidence or faith in
bank sinonimai array, bank building, banking company, banking concern, bench, camber, cant, coast, coin bank, depository financial institution, heap, line, littoral, money box, money-box, mound, ridge, riverbank, riverfront, riverside, row, savings bank, seacoast, sea coast, sea-coast, seashore, seaside, shallows, shoal, shore, shoreline, slope, tier, treasury, waterside, embankment, form, seaboard, deposit, heel, list, rely, swear, trust