barring lietuviškai
barring vertimas prp išskyrus
- (ejection) the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
- (forbid) to prevent from entering; to keep out
- (obstruct) to render unsuitable for passage
- (expel) to expel, as if by official decree
- (fasten) to secure with, or as if with, bars Type of: fasten
BAR sinonimai Browning automatic rifle
Bar sinonimai advocacy
bar sinonimai barrier, check, counter, encumbrance, hinder, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, impediment, incumbrance, inhibit, interfere, interference, keep, obstacle, prevent, preventative, preventive, advocacy, advocates, attorneys, ban, band, barrage, barricade, barrier, bench, blockade, bolt, buffet, cake, counter, court, court of justice, court of law, crossbar, crossbeam, crosspiece, deterrent, hasp, ingot, interdict, judicature, latch, law court, ledger, legal community, legal profession, length, line, lounge, measure, obstruction, pole, preclusion, prejudice, prepossession, prevention, prohibition, proscription, pub, public house, ribbon, rod, saloon, sandbank, sandbar, shaft, shoal, shred, slip, strap, streak, strip, stripe, tablet, tape, tavern, time, trave, traverse, traverse beam, tribunal, width, meter, metre, barroom, cafe, cafeteria, coffee bar, coffeehouse, coffee house, coffee-shop, espresso bar, saloon, taproom, coffee shop, ginmill, pub, apart from, barring, but, except, excepted, except for, excepting, exclusive, aside from, save, saving, abate, banish, bar from, bar out, barricade, block, blockade, block off, block up, close up, debar, exclude, impede, jam, keep off, keep out, leave out, lock, lock out, obstruct, obturate, occlude, preclude, prevent, push aside, push away, relegate, shove aside, shove away, shut, shut out, stop
barring sinonimai blackball, apart from, bar, but, except, except for, excepting, exclusive, aside from, save, saving