beating lietuviškai
beating vertimas n 1) mušimas (bausmė); 2) (širdies) plakimas; 3) pakenkimas, sumušimas, sužeidimas
- beat a hasty retreat (v.) nešti kudašių
- beat a retreat (v.) nešti kudašių
- beat about the bush () nesakyti tiesiai, sukti aplink
- beat in (v.) įkalti į galvą, pabrėžti
- beat it () nešdintis, atstoti, eiti šalin
- beat out (v.) sutriuškinti, triuškinti, nugalėti, nuslopinti
- beat up (v.) smarkiai daužyti, mušti, žiauriai elgtis su, negrabiai, brutaliai elgtis su, netinkamai pasielgti su, vienytis
- beat-up (adj.) smurtą patiriantis, mušamas
- beat up () sumušti, kumščiuoti
- beat with a stick (v.) mušti lazda, vėzdu, mušti lazda/vėzdu
- beat back (v.) atstumti
- beat hollow () visiškai sumušti, lengvai įveikti, aplenkti
- beat off () atsimušti, atsiginti, sulaikyti, atmušti, atremti
- beat black and blue (v.) pliaukštelėti, uždrožti
- beat down (v.) derėtis, plieksti
- dead beat (adj.) išvargęs, nusivaręs, nusikamavęs
- dead-beat (adj.) nusivaręs, išsunktas, nusikamavęs, nusikapstęs, pavargęs kaip šuo, nusivaręs nuo koto, nusikalęs, iš nuovargio nepastovintis ant kojų, pavargęs
- (fighting) the act of overcoming or outdoing
- (corporal punishment) the act of inflicting corporal punishment with repeated blows
- (get the better of) to come out better in a competition, race, or conflict
- (beat upon) to give a beating to; to subject to a beating, either as a punishment or as an act of aggression
- (hit repeatedly) to hit repeatedly Type of: strike
- (pound) to move rhythmically
- (shape) to shape by beating Type of: shape
- (drum) to make a rhythmic sound
- (glare) to glare or strike with great intensity Type of: glare
- (displace) to move with a thrashing motion
- (navigation) to sail with much tacking or with difficulty Topic: navigation. Type of: sail
- (cooking) to stir vigorously
- (strike, part, own) to strike (a part of one's own body) repeatedly, as in great emotion or in accompaniment to music Type of: strike
- (be) to be superior Type of: be
- (cheat) to avoid paying
- (tick-tack) to make a sound like a clock or a timer
- (move, flapping motion) to move with a flapping motion
- (indicate, beating, fingers) to indicate by beating, as with the fingers or drumsticks Similar to: drum
- (pulsate) to move with, or as if with, a regular alternating motion
- (make) to make by pounding or trampling Type of: make. Followed by: tread
- (music) to produce a rhythm by striking repeatedly Topic: music. Type of: play
- (strike, water, bushes) to strike (water or bushes) repeatedly to rouse animals for hunting
- (surpass) to beat through cleverness and wit
- (confuse) to be a mystery or bewildering to
- (tire out) to wear out completely
beat sinonimai patrol, rounds, bushed, dead, dead tired, drained, flaked out, rundown, spent, tired, tired out, wearied, weary, worn out, all in, clapped-out, dead-beat, dog-tired, done in, fagged, fagged out, knackered, shagged out, shattered, washed-out, battue, beatnik, cadence, cadency, heartbeat, lilt, measure, meter, metre, musical rhythm, pulsation, rhythm, round, rounds, pulse, amaze, baffle, baste, batter, batter against, batter at, batter on, be a mystery to, be a puzzle to, beat against, beat at, beat on, beat out, beat up, be baffled, belabour, be mystified, be puzzled, best, be stumped, bewilder, bludgeon, bruise, bunk, circumvent, conquer, crush, defeat, disconcert, drub, drum, dumbfound, excel, exhaust, flap, flog, flummox, fluster, forge, get, gravel, hammer, hit, lash, mop up, mystify, nonplus, outdo, outfox, outsmart, outstrip, outwit, overreach, palpitate, perplex, pip, pose, pound, pulsate, put off, puzzle, quiver, rack up, scramble, shake out, shell, stick, strike, stupefy, surpass, thrash, throb, thrum, thump, tick, ticktack, ticktock, trounce, tucker, tucker out, unsettle, upset, vanquish, vex, wash up, whale, whip, whip up, whisk, work over, worst, overcome, slosh, pulsate, pulse
beating sinonimai pulsating, pulsing, aggression, assault, belting, defeat, drubbing, flap, flapping, flitting, flogging, flutter, fluttering, hiding, lacing, licking, slapping, smacking, spanking, thrashing, trouncing, violence, whacking, whipping