blur lietuviškai
blur vertimas 1. n dėmė; 2. v 1) sutepti, suteršti; 2) aptemdyti (sąmonę)
- Blur (band) Blur
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (internal representation) a hazy or indistinct representation
- (film over) to become glassy; to lose clear vision
- (make less distinct) to make less distinct or clear Type of: change
- (confuse) to make unclear, indistinct, or blurred
- (rub) to make a smudge on; to soil by smudging
- (blear) to make dim or indistinct
- (weaken) to become vague or indistinct
blur sinonimai fuzz, smudge, deaden, blear, blunt, confuse, deaden, dim, dull, film over, glaze over, obnubilate, obscure, slur, smear, smudge, smutch
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