broke lietuviškai
broke vertimas 1)pt iš break. 2)(slang) to be broke - neturėti pinigų;
- break a leg! () sėkmės! laimingai!
- at break of day (adv.) aušra, gaidgystė
- break apart (v.) plyšti, skaldyti, skilti, plyðti, išardyti, išmontuoti
- break away (v.) atsiklijuoti, pabėgti
- break away () ištrūkti, pasprukti, pabėgti, išsisukti, sprukti
- make a break for it () pabėgti, bėgti, palikti, ištrūkti iš, pamėginti sprukti, bėgti nuo
- break in (to) baigtis, įsiterpti, nutraukti, pertraukti, sustabdyti
- break in(to) baigtis, įsiterpti, nutraukti, pertraukti, sustabdyti
- break one's word laikytis žodžio, sulaužyti žodį
- break out in išberti, išpilti
- break someone's heart (v.) padaryti ką nelaimingą, draskyti kam širdį
- break to pieces (v.) sudraskyti
- break in (v.) prijaukinti, įsilaužti, įsiterpti į pokalbį, kištis, įsiterpti, nutraukti, pertraukti, įvažinėti
- break-in (n.) įsilaužimas
- break in on (v.) įsiterpti į pokalbį, kištis, įsiterpti, nutraukti, pertraukti
- break of day (n.) saulėtekis, aušra
- break of the day (n.) saulėtekis, aušra
- break open (v.) išlaužti, atidaryti, plyšti, skaldyti, skilti, plyðti
- break the ice () pralaužti ledus
- break wind (v.) perdimas, pirsnis
- break-even point (n.) aklavietė
- break up (v.) trupinti, trupėti, irti, žlugti, sudužti, paleisti, išardyti, įsikišti, baigtis, nutraukti, sustabdyti, pertraukti, sulaužyti, išsiskirti, išmontuoti, išsklaidyti, išnešioti, suskaldyti, suskilti
- break-up (n.) paleidimas, išardymas
- take a break (v.) nutilti, sustoti, padaryti pertrauką
- break down (v.) neišlaikyti, sugesti, sulyginti su žeme, sugriauti, sulyginti su þeme, išlaužti, atidaryti, sugadinti, sulūžti, užsikirsti, tirti, palūžti, palaužti, trupinti, trupėti, irti, žlugti
- break down (v.) sužlugdyti, žlugdyti, sužlugti, patirti nesėkmę, ko nors nepadaryti, nepavykti, susikirsti per egzaminą, pakliūti į bėdą, žlugti, nepasisekti
- break into (v.) naudotis, remtis, įsilaužti
- break into pieces (v.) sudraskyti
- break loose (v.) ištrūkti, pasprukti, pabėgti, išsisukti, sprukti
- break loose () pabėgti, bėgti, palikti, ištrūkti iš, pamėginti sprukti, bėgti nuo
- break off (v.) nutilti, sustoti, baigti šį kartą, nustoti, pertraukti, sustabdyti, mesti, nutraukti, baigti, sutrumpinti, nuskelti, įskilti, atsiklijuoti, nudaužti, nulaužti
- break short (v.) sutrumpinti
- lucky break (n.) netikėta sėkmė, dovana, laimingas atsitiktinumas, Dievo dovana
- break out (v.) pabėgti, bėgti, palikti, ištrūkti iš, pamėginti sprukti, bėgti nuo, prasidėti
- flat broke (adj.) be pinigų, sunkioje padėtyje
- stone-broke (adj.) be pinigų, sunkioje padėtyje
- stone broke (adj.) be pinigų, sunkioje padėtyje
- stony-broke (adj.) be pinigų, sunkioje padėtyje
- (change integrity) to become separated into pieces or fragments
- (damage) to render inoperable or ineffective Type of: damage. Similar to: fail
- (ruin completely) to ruin completely
- (destroy, integrity, usually) to destroy the integrity of, usually by force; to cause to separate into pieces or fragments Type of: separate
- (disrespect) to act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
- (escape) to move away or escape suddenly
- (disperse) to scatter or part Type of: disperse
- (express emotion) to force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up
- (prevent completion) to prevent completion
- (trespass) to enter someone's (virtual or real) property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act
- (domesticate) to make submissive, obedient, or useful
- (fail, agree with) to fail to agree with; to be in violation of, as of rules or patterns
- (surpass) to surpass in excellence
- (tell) to make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
- (become) to come into being Type of: become
- (stop operating, functioning) to stop operating or functioning
- (interrupt, continued activity) to interrupt a continued activity
- (military machine) to make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one's own by quitting or fleeing Topic: military machine. Type of: flee. Similar to: break away
- (curl, fall apart) to curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves Type of: collapse
- (deaden) to lessen in force or effect
- (be broken in) to be broken in Type of: change. Similar to: break in. Caused by: break in
- (come, end) to come to an end Type of: end
- (vary) to vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity Type of: change
- (cause, give, habit) to cause to give up a habit
- (give up) to give up Type of: discontinue
- (come forth) to come forth or begin from a state of latency Type of: come forth
- (happen, take place) to happen or take place Type of: happen
- (cause, failure, ruin) to cause the failure or ruin of Type of: ruin
- (invalidate) to invalidate by judicial action Type of: invalidate
- (discontinue, association, relation) to discontinue an association or relation; to go different ways
- (delegate) to assign to a lower position; to reduce in rank
- (impoverish) to reduce to bankruptcy
- (change directions suddenly) to change directions suddenly Type of: switch
- (appear) to emerge from the surface of a body of water Type of: appear
- (break, literally, metaphorically) to break down, literally or metaphorically
- (dance) to do a break dance
- (exchange) to exchange for smaller units of money Type of: exchange. Similar to: break up
- (destroy, completeness, set) to destroy the completeness of a set of related items
- (billiards) to make the opening shot that scatters the balls Topic: billiards. Type of: shoot
- (disunite) to separate from a clinch, in boxing Type of: separate
- (decay) to go to pieces
- (detach) to break a piece from a whole
- (become punctured, penetrated) to become punctured or penetrated
- (penetrate) to pierce or penetrate Type of: penetrate
- (news, be released) of news, to be released or become known
- (pause) to cease an action temporarily
- (interrupt, flow, current) to interrupt the flow of current in Type of: interrupt
- (diphthongize) to undergo breaking Type of: diphthongize
- (find, flaw in) to find a flaw in Type of: destroy
- (solve) to find the solution or key to Type of: solve
- (change suddenly, one) to change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another Type of: switch
- (check) to become fractured; to break or crack on the surface only
- (change state) to lose one's normal voice, as with the male voice in puberty
- (fall sharply) to fall sharply Type of: decrease
- (injure) to fracture a bone of
- (diminish, discontinue abruptly) to diminish or discontinue abruptly Type of: decrease
- (weaken, destroy, spirit) to weaken or destroy in spirit or body Type of: weaken
- (bring, end, halt) to bring to an end or halt
- (come, pass) to come to pass
- (poor) lacking funds
break sinonimai chance, look-in, occasion, opportunity, scope, bone fracture, breach, breakage, breaking, break of serve, broken bone, disruption, disturbance, em dash, falling out, fault, faulting, fracture, gap, geological fault, good luck, happy chance, intermission, interruption, interspace, interval, open frame, pause, recess, respite, rift, rupture, severance, shift, space, suspension, time out, window, abruption, breaking off, breaking, rupture, split, breakout, flight, gaolbreak, jailbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking, alter, bankrupt, become torn, begin, better, breach, break apart, break away, break dance, break-dance, break down, break in, break into pieces, break off, break open, break out, break to pieces, break up, bring into the open, bring out, bring to light, bump, burst, burst apart, burst open, bust, cave in, cease, change, check, cleave, collapse, come apart, come clean, come to the surface, commence, commit unlawful entry, conk out, contravene, crack, cut, cut out, damp, dampen, dawn, deaden, degrade, demolish, demote, destroy, develop, die, disclose, disconnect, discontinue, discover, disobey, dispirit, divulge, domesticate, enervate, enfeeble, erupt, escape, expose, fail, fall apart, fall in, fall to pieces, force, force open, founder, fracture, fray, get around, get out, get stuck, give, give away, give-away, give out, give way, go, go against, go bad, go to pieces, go wrong, have done with, impair, infract, infringe, intermit, interrupt, jam, jemmy, jemmy open, jimmy, jimmy open, kick downstairs, kick off, lead off, let on, let out, lower in rank, make a pause, move down, offend, offend against, outdo, pack up, part, pause, pop up, prise, prise open, prize open, pry, pry open, quit, recrudesce, relegate, rend, reveal, rip, ruin, seize up, separate, set in, sever, sin against, smash, snap off, soften, split, split up, spring open, stop, subdue, surpass, suspend, take a break, tame, tear, tell, train, trample on, transgress, trespass, turn up, unwrap, violate, violate s.o.'s home, weaken, wear, wear away, wear out, begin, dawn, debut, inaugurate, lead off, make a start, make one's debut, make one's first appearance, set in, start, commence, kick off, break up, ruin, wreck, break off, disconnect, sever
broke sinonimai bankrupt, destitute, flat broke, impoverished, insolvent, bust, flat broke, on the rocks, skint, stone broke, stone-broke, stony-broke