bugger lietuviškai
bugger vertimas n 1)Bukagalvis 2) Pederastas Bugger it! - Eina velniop! (Keiksmažodis)
- bugger off (v.) nešdintis, atstoti, eiti šalin
- poor bugger (n.) nelaimėlis, vargšas, žmogelis
- (pervert) someone who engages in anal copulation (especially a male who engages in anal copulation with another male)
- (copulate) to practice anal sex upon
bugger sinonimai pederast, sod, sodomist, sodomite, arsehole, ass, blockhead, bonehead, changeling, chump, clot, dimwit, dolt, donkey, dope, dumbo, dummy, dunce, fathead, fat-head, fool, fuckwit, halfwit, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, nincompoop, nitwit, numskull, nut, oaf, retard, wanker, berk, booby, burk, cretin, damn fool, dumbbell, hammerhead, jackass, loggerhead, moron, peabrain, pinhead, twerp, twirp, wally, sodomise, sodomize
bugger! sinonimai doggone it!, fuck, good grief!, damn it