by lietuviškai
by vertimas 1. prp 1) prie, šalia, greta; by the riverpalei upę; 2) per, su pagalba; by air mail oro paštu; by tram traukiniu; 3) (veikėjo kilmininkui reikšti): a play by W. Shakespeare V. Šekspyro pjesė; 4) per, metu; to travel by daykeliauti dieną (dienos metu); 5) (palyginant): by two cheaper dviem doleriais pigiau; 6) pagal; by my watch pagal mano laikrodį; by profession pagal profesiją; 7) (veiksmo sekai reikšti): little by little pamažu; po truputį; one by onevienas po kito; 8) už; to take smb by the hand paimti ką už rankos;2. adv 1) arti; šalia; pro šalį; the post is close by paštas yra arti; 2) pro; he passed me by jis praėjo pro mane; by the way, by the by beje; by and by netrukus; by chance atsitiktinai; by heartatmintinai; by no means jokiu būdu; I was all by myself aš buvau visiškai vienas
- appeals by private individuals (n.) privačių asmenų skundai
- adoption of a law by vote (n.) įstatymo priėmimas balsavimu
- Community body (established by the Treaties) (n.) Bendrijos organas
- catch by species (n.) laimikis pagal rūšis
- distribution by sex (n.) pasiskirstymas pagal lytį
- trade by group of countries (n.) prekyba tarp šalių grupių
- action by staff (n.) tarnautojų skundas
- barring of penalties by limitation (n.) bausmių netaikymas dėl senaties
- distribution by age (n.) pasiskirstymas pagal amžių
- family by marriage (n.) santuokinė šeima
- trade by country (n.) prekyba tarp šalių
- expert's report ordered by a court (n.) teismo ekspertizės aktas
- firm governed by commercial law (n.) komercinė bendrovė
- trade by product (n.) prekyba produktais
- vote by delegation (n.) balsavimas pagal pavedimą
- (past) so as to pass a given point
- (aside) in reserve; not for immediate use
by sinonimai aside, at hand, away, close at hand, past, about, according to, almost, approximately, around, at the latest, at the very latest, because of, beside, broadly, by way of, circa, close by, close on, close to, divided by, in accordance with, in concordance with, in proportion to, in the region of, -ish, just about, more or less, near, near to, next to, of, or so, or thereabouts, over, right by, roughly, round, roundabout, round about, some, something like, somewhere in the region of, thereabout, thereabouts, through, to, via, with, approx, fraction, in the neighborhood of, in the neighbourhood of, sort of, toward, towards