carry lietuviškai
carry vertimas v 1) gabenti, nešti; vežti; 2) pravesti (įstatymą); 3) (pa)laikyti; 4) amer.pardavinėti; to carry away a) išnešti, nunešti; b) pagauti, apimti (apie jausmus); to carry one back priminti kam nors praeitį; to carry forwarda) judinti (reikalą, bylą); b) buh. perkelti į kitą puslapį; to carry off a) nunešti, pagrobti; b) laimėti (dovaną); to carry on a) tęsti; b) šnek. flirtuoti; to carry out/through atlikti, įvykdyti; to carry weight/authority turėti įtakos; to carry the day laimėti pergalę; to carry too far netekti saiko
- carry forward (v.) perkelti
- carry off (v.) smarkiai, dešimt kartų sumažinti, sunaikinti, smarkiai/dešimt kartų sumažinti, sėkmingai užbaigti, pasiekti, sėkmingai užbaigti/pasiekti
- carry on a correspondence with (v.) susirašinėti
- carry on correspondence with (v.) susirašinėti
- carry-the can (v.) atsiimti savo
- carry weight (v.) būti vertinamam
- carry out (v.) vykdyti, įgyvendinti, įvykdyti, nubausti mirtimi, padaryti
- carry-out (n.) gaminantis maistą išsineštinai, maistas išsineštinai, restoranas
- carry-over of appropriations (n.) asignavimų perkėlimas
- carry on (v.) toliau ką nors daryti, toliau ką daryti, tęstis, tęsti, trukti, atlikti, puoselėti
- carry-on (adj.) rankinis bagažas
- carry-on (n.) rūpestis, vargas, nervingas elgesys, nereikalingas triukšmas, bėda
- carry on () tęstis, išlaikyti, toliau eiti, ką daryti, toliau ką nors daryti, toliau ką daryti, trukti, tęsti, toliau daryti, dirbti, be ... damas, tebe-, nepasiduoti, laikytis, daryti toliau taip pat, toliau eiti/ką daryti, reguliuoti, režisuoti, verstis, sumanyti, suorganizuoti, organizuoti, vadovauti
- carry out reprisals (v.) atsikeršyti, atkeršyti
- carry through (v.) vykdyti, įgyvendinti, nubausti mirtimi, įvykdyti, padaryti, išgelbėti
- carry-cot (n.) nešiojamasis lopšys
- carry over (v.) perkelti
- carry-all (n.) krepšys, didelis krepšys, kelionmaišis
- cash-and-carry (n.) parduotuvė, kurioje parduodama už grynuosius be prekės pristatymo
- (transportation) the act of carrying something Type of: transportation
- (move while supporting) to move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
- (have, oneself) to have with oneself; to have on one's person
- (bring) to transmit or serve as the medium for transmission
- (intercommunicate) to serve as a means for expressing something
- (hold up) to bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure, or responsibility of Type of: hold up
- (support, hold, certain) to support or hold in a certain manner
- (contain) to contain or hold; to have within
- (effect) to extend to a certain degree Type of: effect
- (continue) to continue or extend
- (imply) to be necessarily associated with, or result in or involve Type of: imply
- (win, election) to win in an election Type of: win
- (cognition verb) to include, as on a list Type of: include
- (act) to behave in a certain manner
- (stockpile) to have on hand
- (circulate) to include as the content; to broadcast or publicize
- (pass on) to pass on a communication Type of: communicate. Similar to: transport
- (have, inherent, characteristic) to have as an inherent or characteristic feature, or have as a consequence Type of: have
- (range) to be conveyed over a certain distance Type of: range. Similar to: impart
- (maintain) to keep up with financial support Type of: sustain
- (have, possess something) to have or possess something abstract Type of: have got
- (be equipped, mast) to be equipped with (a mast or sail) Type of: have
- (influence) to win approval or support for
- (compensate) to compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance Type of: compensate
- (promote) to take further or advance Type of: promote
- (have, surface, skin) to have on the surface or on the skin Type of: have
- (appropriate) to capture after a fight Type of: appropriate
- (send off) to transfer (entries) from one account book to another
- (shift) to transfer (a number, cipher, or remainder) to the next column or unit's place before or after, in addition or multiplication Type of: transfer. Similar to: post
- (follow) to pursue a line of scent or be a bearer Type of: follow
- (farming) to bear (a crop) Topic: farming. Type of: grow
- (propel, give impetus) to propel or give impetus to Type of: propel. Similar to: transport
- (drink) to drink alcohol without showing ill effects
- (livestock) to be able to feed Topic: livestock. Type of: nourish
- (have, certain range) to have a certain range Type of: have
- (golf game) to cover a certain distance or advance beyond Topic: golf game. Type of: travel
- (obtain) to secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions) Type of: obtain
- (be successful in) to be successful in Type of: win
- (perform) to sing or play against other voices or parts Type of: perform
- (give birth) to be pregnant with
- (cause, move forward) to cause to move forward with force
carry sinonimai accompany, accomplish, acquit, act, act like, bear, be expecting, behave, behave like, behave o.s., be pregnant, brace, bring, capture, channel, comport, comport o.s., conceive, conduct o.s., contain, convey, deport, dislodge, dribble, drive, expect, express, extend, freight, gestate, get knocked up, hold, impart, impel, influence, lead, lift, load, move, pack, pass, persuade, play, post, pretend to be, prevail, reach, remove, run, shelve, stock, stockpile, succeed, suffer, support, sustain, sway, take, tote, transfer, transport, vote, win, be in the family way, be with child, conduct, have a bun in the oven, transmit, bear, have on, support, take, wear