cathedral lietuviškai
cathedral vertimas 1. n katedra; 2. a katedros
- Cologne Cathedral Kelno katedra
- Bourges Cathedral Buržo katedra
- Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Kompostelos Santjago katedra
- Roskilde Cathedral Roskildės katedra
- Florence Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore
- Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Monaco Šv. Nikolo katedra
- Vilnius Cathedral Vilniaus Šv. Stanislovo ir Šv. Vladislovo arkikatedra bazilika
- The Cathedral and the Bazaar Bazaar
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (large, important church) any large and important church
- (duomo) the principal Christian church building of a bishop's diocese
- (adjective) relating to, containing, or issuing from a bishop's office or throne
cathedral sinonimai duomo
Netoliese cathedral esantys žodžiai