charge lietuviškai
charge vertimas 1. n 1) pareiga; 2) pavedimas, užduotis; 3) atsakomybė; to be in charge of būti atsakingam už; 4) rūpestis; 5) kar. užtaisas; 6) el. krūvis; 7) puolimas, kaltinimas; kar. ataka; 8) kaina; pl išlaidos; free of charge nemokamas; 2. v 1) pavesti; 2) apkrauti; 3) kaltinti; 4) kainoti, nustatyti kainą, prašyti; how much do you charge for? what do you charge for? kiek kainuoja?; charge this to my account įrašykite tai į mano sąskaitą; 5) užtaisyti (ginklą)
- transit charge (n.) tranzito mokestis
- charge plate (n.) kredito kortelė
- Charge-coupled device Krūvio sąsajos įtaisas
- quasi-fiscal charge (n.) tariamasis iždo mokestis
- free of charge (adj.) nemokamas
- free of charge (adv.) be jokios priežasties, nepagrįstai, dykai, nemokamai
- charge having equivalent effect (n.) lygiaverčio poveikio mokestis
- charge per unit (n.) dydis, norma, tarifas
- take charge of (v.) įsipareigoti, padaryti, surengti, imtis
- charge up (v.) sujaudinti, jaudinti, agituoti
- charge up (v.) pakrauti
- Charge (heraldry) Mobiliosios figūros (heraldika)
- charge card (n.) kredito kortelė
- Chargé d'affaires Laikinasis reikalų patikėtinis
- take charge (v.) imti vadovauti, pasiimti saugoti
- take in charge (v.) įsipareigoti, padaryti, surengti, imtis
- countervailing charge (n.) išlyginamasis mokestis
- Elementary charge Elementarusis krūvis
- charge (n.) krūvis, apkrova, pašaukimas, globa, antpuolis, užtaisas, kaltinimas, susijaudinimas, jaudulys, malonumas, mokestis
- charge (v.) apsunkinti, apkrauti, apkaltinti, kaltinti, užversti, paduoti, pateikti, pasileisti, nutaikyti, taikyti, laikyti ginklą nukreiptą į, pulti, pakrauti, užtaisyti, uþtaisyti, ádëti filmà, sujaudinti, jaudinti, agituoti, išlėkti, nudiegti, sviesti, filmuoti, atsiųsti sąskaitą, prašyti, užrašyti skolon, pasiųsti, siųsti, atiduoti, nugabenti, įpareigoti, paskirti, išrinkti
- charge (v.) pakrauti
- charge () išlaikytinis, globotinis
- charge (n.) kaltinimas
- charge up (v.) agituoti, jaudinti, sujaudinti
- free of charge (adv.) dykai, nemokamai
- take in charge (v.) imtis
- Electric charge Elektros krūvis
- (attack) an impetuous rush toward someone or something Type of: attack
- (criminal law) a pleading describing some wrong or offense
- (cost) the price charged for some article or service Type of: cost
- (physics) the quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body (either positive or negative) and construed as an excess or deficiency of electrons
- (protection) attention and management implying responsibility for safety
- (duty assignment) a special assignment that is given to a person or group
- (dependant) a person committed to your care Type of: dependant
- (liabilities) financial liabilities (such as a tax) Type of: liabilities
- (psychoanalysis) the libidinal energy invested in some idea, person, or object
- (exhilaration) the swift release of a store of affective force
- (request) request for payment of a debt
- (bidding) a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something
- (assertion) an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offense
- (heraldry) heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield
- (explosive) a quantity of explosive to be set off at one time
- (bear down) to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle
- (arraign) to blame for, make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against
- (account) to demand payment
- (rush along) to move quickly and violently
- (appoint) to assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to
- (impeach) to file a formal charge against
- (claim) to make an accusatory claim Type of: claim
- (fill, load, capacity) to fill or load to capacity Type of: change
- (debit) to enter a certain amount as a charge Type of: debit
- (transfer) of persons to an institution, to cause to be admitted
- (entrust) to give over to another for care or safekeeping
- (pay) to pay with a credit card; to pay with plastic money; to postpone payment by recording a purchase as a debt Type of: pay
- (lie down) to lie down on command, of hunting dogs Type of: lie down
- (disturb) to cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
- (artistic production) to place a heraldic bearing on Topic: artistic production. Type of: paint
- (fill up) to provide (a device) with something necessary
- (take aim) to direct into a position for use
- (require) to impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to
- (law) to instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence Topic: law. Type of: instruct
- (instruct, command, authority) to instruct or command with authority Type of: instruct
- (impute) to attribute responsibility to
- (determine) to set or ask for a certain price Type of: determine
- (cause formation, net) to cause formation of a net electrical charge in or on Type of: change
- (supply) to energize a battery by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge Type of: supply
- (impregnate) to saturate or fill Type of: impregnate
charge sinonimai dependant, dependent, accusation, armorial bearing, bang, bearing, billing, boot, burden, burster, bursting charge, care, cathexis, commission, complaint, custody, direction, electric charge, explosive charge, fare, flush, guardianship, heraldic bearing, kick, load, mission, payload, price, rush, thrill, tutelage, accuse, arraign, ask for, blame, bring a charge, bring charges, burden, call in, charge up, claim, claim back, command, commandeer, commission, demand back, fill, impeach, impose, incriminate, inculpate, indict, instruct, invoice, load, make a claim, order, press charges, put bullets into, reclaim, require, tax, accuse, agitate, aim at, appoint, bear down, bill, blame, buck, burden, charge up, commit, commove, consign, excite, file, institutionalise, institutionalize, invoice, level, load, lodge, make, name, point, point at, rouse, saddle, send, shoot, shoot down, tear, turn on, charge up