Svetainėje naudojami slapukai (cookies), kurie padeda užtikrinti jums teikiamų paslaugų kokybę. Išjungdami šį pranešimą arba tęsdami naršymą sutinkate su mūsų slapukų naudojimo politika.

checked lietuviškai

checked vertimas languotas

  • bank check (n.) čekis
  • check stub (n.) šaknelė
  • double-check (v.) tikrinti pakartotinai
  • check book (n.) čekių knygelė
  • check card (n.) banko kortelė
  • check in (v.) užsiregistruoti, išsiregistruoti
  • check-in (n.) registracija, registravimas
  • customs inspection (n.) muitinės tikrinimas
  • in check (adv.) kontroliuojamas, valdomas, prižiūrimas
  • check out (v.) išklausinėti
  • check out () išsiregistruoti, patikrinti
  • check-up (n.) medicininė apžiūra, sveikatos patikrinimas
  • check mark (n.) paukščiukas, varnelė
  • keep in check (v.) nuslopinti, užgniaužti
  • check off (v.) pažymėti, žymėti, varnelę
  • Double-checked locking Tikrintas rakinimas
  • health check (n.) medicininė apžiūra, sveikatos patikrinimas
  • traveler's check (n.) kelionės čekis
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (analyze) to examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
  • (make, examination, investigation) to make an examination or investigation Type of: examine
  • (be careful, certain) to be careful or certain to do something; to make certain of something
  • (restrain) to lessen the intensity of; to hold in restraint; to hold or keep within limits
  • (stop, moment, uncertainty) to stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution Type of: stop
  • (put, check mark) to put a check mark on, near, or next to
  • (alter) to slow the growth or development of
  • (be verified, confirmed) to be verified or confirmed; to pass inspection
  • (equal) to be compatible, similar or consistent; to coincide in their characteristics
  • (obstruct) to block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey Type of: obstruct
  • (develop) to develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice, especially to teach self-control
  • (consign, shipment, vehicle) to consign for shipment on a vehicle Type of: consign
  • (hand, something, somebody) to hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping Type of: consign
  • (falconry) to abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey Topic: falconry. Type of: stop
  • (stop, chase, especially) to stop in a chase, especially when scent is lost Type of: stop
  • (checker) to mark into squares or draw squares on; to draw crossed lines on
  • (card game) to decline to initiate betting Topic: card game. Type of: move
  • (defend) to hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; to check the expansion or influence of
  • (chess game) to place into check Topic: chess game. Type of: attack. Followed by: move
  • (write out) to write out a check on a bank account Type of: write out
  • (determine) to find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
  • (verify, consulting, source) to verify by consulting a source or authority Type of: verify. Similar to: see to it
  • (arrest, motion, something) to arrest the motion (of something) abruptly Type of: stop
  • (chink) to make cracks or chinks in
  • (become fractured) to become fractured; to break or crack on the surface only
  • (dampen) to restrain or control (a fire)
  • (withdraw) to withdraw money by writing a check
  • (patterned) patterned with alternating squares of color

checked sinonimai check, checkered, curbed, chequered

check sinonimai bar, barrier, encumbrance, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, impediment, incumbrance, interference, obstacle, preventative, preventive, checked, checkered, chequered, arrest, assay, balk, baulk, bridle, checking, check mark, checkout, check-out procedure, chip, confirmation, control, curb, deterrent, fragment, halt, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, hitch, impediment, obstacle, obstruction, self-restraint, sliver, splinter, standstill, stay, stop, stoppage, substantiation, supervision, temperateness, test, tick, verification, account, bank check, bill, certified check, certified cheque, chit, draft, giro, tab, cheque, giro cheque, guaranteed check, guaranteed cheque, arrest, block, checker, check off, check on, check out, check up, check up on, collate, confirm, contain, curb, delay, examine, go through, halt, hold back, impede, impose restraints on, inhibit, inspect, kibosh, look through, mark, mark with a cross, put a stop to, put to the test, restrain, retard, stop, subdue, suppress, tick off, try out, verify, agree, arrest, ascertain, assure, block, break, break down, break off, check into, check on, check out, check over, check up, check up on, chink, collate, condition, contain, control, correspond, crack, curb, delay, determine, discipline, discourage from, ensure, examine, find out, fit, gibe, go over, go through, hold, hold back, hold in, impose restraints on, inhibit, insure, jibe, keep from, learn, look into, look over, look through, match, moderate, put to the test, restrain, retard, see, see to, see to it, settle, snap off, square off, square up, stop, subdue, suss out, tally, test, tie in/up, train, turn back, verify, vet, watch, assay, audit, checker, chequer, mark, mark off, check off, tick, tick off

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