cold lietuviškai
cold vertimas 1. a šaltas; to give the cold shoulder to smb priimti ką šaltai; to get/have cold feet šnek.pabūgti; I am cold man šalta;2. n 1) šaltis; 2) peršalimas; to catch cold peršalti; a cold in the head sloga
- cold-bloodedly (adv.) ramiai, be entuziazmo, nerūpestingai, negailestingai
- common cold (n.) persišaldymas, peršalimas
- Common cold Peršalimas
- cold-bloodedness (n.) beširdiškumas
- cold-blooded (adj.) žiaurus, negailestingas, kietaširdis, nepalenkiamas, nežmoniškas, šaltakraujis
- cold cash (n.) grynieji, gryni pinigai
- cold shoulder (n.) paniekinimas, užgaulė
- cold-heartedly (adv.) negailestingai
- cold-heartedness (n.) žiaurumas
- cold war (n.) šaltasis karas
- Cold War Šaltasis karas
- cold sweat (n.) šaltas prakaitas
- cold store (n.) šaldymo įrenginys
- in cold blood (adv.) šaltakraujiškai, šaltai, nedraugiškai
- put into cold storage (v.) atidėti, pasinaudoti pasiūlymu vėliau
- ice-cold (adj.) arktinis, atšiaurus, geliantis, labai šaltas, ledinis
- knock cold (v.) nutrenkti, parblokšti, nokautuoti
- (communicable disease) a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs)
- (vasoconstrictor) the absence of heat
- (cognition noun) the sensation produced by low temperatures
- (algid) having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by, for example, ice or refrigeration
- (extended meanings) extended meanings; especially of psychological coldness; without human warmth or emotion Similar to: emotionless, frigid. Described by: emotionality
- (lost freshness, passage) having lost freshness through passage of time Similar to: stale
- (color) giving no sensation of warmth Topic: color. Similar to: cool
- (perfect) marked by errorless familiarity Similar to: perfect
- (unoriginal) lacking originality or spontaneity; no longer new
- (intense) so intense as to be almost uncontrollable Similar to: intense
- (unloving) sexually unresponsive
- (inhumane) without compunction or human feeling
- (unenthusiastic) feeling or showing no enthusiasm Similar to: unenthusiastic
- (unconscious) unconscious from a blow, shock, or intoxication Similar to: unconscious
- (far) of a seeker; far from the object sought Similar to: far
- (dead) lacking the warmth of life Similar to: dead
cold sinonimai clinical, cool, offish, standoffish, airy, apathetic, arctic, benumbed, biting, bleak, chill, chilled, chilly, cold-blooded, cool, cool-headed, dead, dispassionate, dusty, emotionless, fresh, frigid, frosty, frozen, glacial, icy, impassive, imperturbable, indifferent, inhospitable, inhuman, insensate, moth-eaten, out, passionless, reserved, senseless, shivery, spiritless, stale, straight, unaffected, unconscious, unemotional, unfeeling, unflappable, unfriendly, unmoved, unresponsive, untouched, wintry, chill, coldness, common cold, frigidity, frigidness, frost, low temperature, runny nose