commanding lietuviškai
commanding vertimas a 1) komanduojąs, įsakomas; 2) įspūdingas, dominuojąs
- commanding officer (n.) komendantas, įgulos vadas, vadas, vyriausiasis kariuomenės vadas
- command sergeant major (n.) viršila
- have a command of (v.) sumaniai paveikti, valdyti
- self-command (n.) valia, savitvarda
- (master) to be in command of Type of: dominate
- (order) to make someone do something
- (demand) to demand as one's due Type of: demand
- (lie) to look down on
- (control) to exercise authoritative control or power over
- (high) used of a height or viewpoint
commanding sinonimai amazing, assertive, authoritative, autocratic, awe-inspiring, awesome, awful, awing, bossy, compelling, controlling, dictatorial, dominant, dominating, grand, imperative, imperious, imposing, impressive, magisterial, masterful, overlooking, peremptory, ranking, stately, top-level, top-ranking
command sinonimai bid, bidding, control, dictation, instruction, order, program line, statement, mastery, bid, charge, dictate, dominate, enjoin, govern, ordain, order, require, say, supervise, sway, tell, control, dominate, have a command of, keep in line, manipulate, master, ordain, order, order about, overlook, overtop, require, have in hand
- commander
- commandeer
- commandant
- commanding
- commandment
- commemorate
- commemoration