company lietuviškai
company vertimas n 1) kompanija; in company with kartu su; to keep company with bendrauti; to part company with atsiskirti, nutraukti santykius; to keep someone company palydėti, sudaryti kompaniją; 2) draugija; verslininkų ar komercinis susivienijimas (sutr. Co); 3) grupė, trupė, ansamblis; svečiai
- company buyout (n.) įmonės išpirkimas
- insurance company (n.) draudimo bendrovė
- company with share capital (n.) akcinė bendrovė
- company growth (n.) įmonės augimas
- water company (n.) vandens ruošykla
- company management (n.) bendrovės vadovybė
- company law (n.) bendrovių įstatymas
- company member (n.) bendrovės dalininkas
- company modernisation (n.) bendrovės modernizavimas
- company research (n.) įmonės moksliniai tyrimai
- keep company (v.) eiti kartu
- keep company with (v.) bendrauti, užmegzti pažintį, rimtai draugauti, trankytis
- holding company (n.) kontroliuojančioji bendrovė
- Holding company Holdingas
- mixed-ownership company (n.) mišrios nuosavybės bendrovė
- parent company (n.) pagrindinė bendrovė
- Parent company Motininė įmonė
- protection of shareholders (n.) akcininkų apsauga
- public limited company (n.) ribotos atsakomybės bendrovė
- registration of a company (n.) bendrovės įregistravimas
- transport company (n.) transporto bendrovė
- company in difficulties (n.) sunkumus patirianti įmonė
- company structure (n.) bendrovės struktūra
- Joint-stock company Akcinė bendrovė
- European company (n.) Europos bendrovė
- investment company (n.) investicinė bendrovė
- Investment company Investicijų bendrovė
- private limited company (n.) uždaroji akcinė bendrovė
- services company (n.) paslaugų įmonė
- trust company (n.) patikėtinė bendrovė
- (institution) an institution created to conduct business Type of: institution
- (military machine) small military unit; usually 2 or 3 platoons Topic: military machine. Type of: army unit. Member of: battalion. Member of: battle group
- (friendship) the state of being with someone
- (organization) organization of performers and associated personnel (especially theatrical)
- (visitor) a social or business visitor
- (social gathering) a social gathering of guests or companions Type of: social gathering
- (set) a band of people associated temporarily in some activity
- (full complement) crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
- (social unit) a unit of firefighters including their equipment Type of: social unit
- (consort) to be a companion to somebody
company sinonimai agency, body, business, call, caller, camaraderie, cartel, circle, clique, compagnie, companionship, congregation, corps, crowd, establishment, facility, fellowship, fraternity, friendship, guests, horde, house, institution, mass, Mass, militia, outfit, partnership, party, retinue, set, ship's company, ship's crew, society, syndicate, troupe, visit, visitation, visitors, walk of life, callers, corporation, society, accompany, companion, keep company