compass lietuviškai
compass vertimas 1. n 1) kompasas; 2) apimtis, diapazonas; beyond my compass daugiau negu aš galiu suprasti; 3)pl skriestuvas;2. v 1) pasiekti, įgyvendinti; 2) sugalvoti
- compass point (n.) rumbas, kryptis
- compass rose kompaso rožė
- compass north (n.) šiaurės magnetinis polius
- The Golden Compass (film) Auksinis kompasas (filmas)
- (navigational instrument) navigational instrument for finding directions Type of: navigational instrument
- (extent) an area in which something acts or operates, or has power or control
- (capability) the limit of capability
- (drafting instrument) drafting instrument used for drawing circles Type of: drafting instrument
- (achieve) to bring about
- (circle) to travel around, either by plane or ship
- (understand) to get the meaning of something
compass sinonimai ambit, area, border, caliper, calliper, circumference, compasses, dial, dividers, drawing compass, drawing compasses, extent, grasp, orbit, pair of compasses, pair of dividers, perimeter, radius of action, range, range of action, reach, scope, sphere of action, apprehend, circumnavigate, comprehend, dig, figure out, get, get the picture, grasp, grok, make head or tail of, make much of, savvy, see, take, take in, understand