corrupt lietuviškai
corrupt vertimas 1. n 1) pagadintas; 2) ištvirkęs; 3) paperkamas; 2. v 1) ištvirkti; ištvirkinti; 2) papirkti
- (change) to corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality
- (crime) to make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence
- (mar) to place under suspicion or cast doubt upon
- (change verb) to alter from the original
- (lacking, integrity) lacking in integrity Similar to: corrupted, corruptible, depraved, dirty, Praetorian, putrid, sold-out. Described by:...
- (sneaky) not straight; dishonest, immoral, or evasive
- (imperfect) containing errors or alterations
- (stale) touched by rot or decay
corrupt sinonimai abandoned, contaminated, corrupted, crooked, debased, degenerate, depraved, dishonest, dissolute, fraudulent, infected, profligate, putrescent, putrid, rotten, shady, tainted, unethical, unlawful, unscrupulous, venal, taint, bastardise, bastardize, blacken, blot, bribe, buy, cast a slur on, cloud, debase, debauch, deface, defile, deform, demoralise, demoralize, deprave, dirty, distort, get dirty, grease, grease one's palms, make dirty, misdirect, pervert, profane, put a slur on, spoil, stain, subvert, sully, taint, vitiate, besmear, besmirch