crash lietuviškai
crash vertimas 1. n 1) trenksmas; dardesys; 2) bankrotas; krachas; 3) avarija;2. v 1) nukristi, sudardėti (down);2) sudužti, numušti (apie lėktuvą);3) trenkti, atsitrenkti (against, together); 4) (su)daužyti; 5) patirti krachą, avariją; 6) dundėti (apie perkūniją); to crash in/on šnek. įsibrauti, įsiveržti; 3. adv traškėdamas; dundėdamas
- car crash (n.) avarija, sudužimas, susidūrimas
- crash down (v.) vartytis, virsti kūliais, vartytis/virsti kūliais, staigiai leistis žemyn
- crash-helmet (n.) šalmas
- crash-land (v.) nutupdyti avarijos ištiktą lėktuvą
- crash land (v.) nutupdyti avarijos ištiktą lėktuvą
- gate-crash (v.) ateiti nekviestam, eiti nekviestam, įeiti be bilieto
- Stock market crash Akcijų rinkos griūtis
- multiple crash (n.) susidūrimas
- (noise) a loud resonant repeating noise
- (accident) a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)
- (happening) a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
- (hitting) the act of colliding with something
- (information technology) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative Topic: information technology. Type of: mishap
- (descend) to fall or come down violently Type of: descend
- (move) to move with, or as if with, a crashing noise Type of: move
- (ram) to undergo damage or destruction on impact
- (pass) to move violently as through a barrier Type of: pass
- (disintegrate) to break violently or noisily
- (occupy) to occupy, usually uninvited Type of: occupy
- (sound) to make a sudden loud sound Type of: sound
- (intrude) to enter uninvited
- (cause, crash) to cause to crash
- (hurl) to hurl or thrust violently
- (change) to undergo a sudden and severe downturn Type of: change
- (fail) to stop operating
- (bed down) to sleep in a convenient place
crash sinonimai intensive, aircrash, bang, bankruptcy, boom, bop, bump, car crash, clang, clangor, clangoring, clangour, clank, clap, clash, clatter, clip, collapse, collision, crack, depression, din, failure, foul, jar, multiple collision, multiple crash, pile-up, pop, prang, report, slap, smack, smash, thrust, thud, thump, whack, wreck, shove, wallop, barge in, break apart, break up, dash, doss, doss down, fail, fold up, gatecrash, gate-crash, go bankrupt, go down, ram, bust, go bust, come down, crash down, drop, fall, fall away, fall down, fall over, go down, topple, tumble, tumble down