credit lietuviškai
credit vertimas 1. n 1) pasitikėjimas; 2) garbė; to do credit teikti garbės; to have the credit turėti nuopelną; 3) kreditas; a letter of credit akredityvas; on credit skolon;2. v 1) tikėti; 2) kredituoti
- international credit (n.) tarptautinis kreditas
- short-term credit (n.) trumpalaikė paskola
- credit to (v.) paskirti, padalinti, pavesti
- credit union (n.) saviskolos bendrija
- Credit union Kredito unija
- industrial credit (n.) pramonės kreditas
- credit titles (n.) titrai
- do credit (v.) daryti, teikti kam garbę
- documentary credit (n.) dokumentinis akredityvas
- credit institution (n.) kredito įstaiga
- credit purchase (n.) pirkimas į skolą
- credit guarantee (n.) paskolos garantija
- credit insurance (n.) paskolų draudimas
- Credit insurance Kreditų draudimas
- credit note (n.) kuponas, talonas
- Credit rating Kredito reitingas
- free credit (n.) paskola be palūkanų
- credit balance (n.) perteklius, perviršis
- credit card (n.) kredito kortelė
- credit entry (n.) kreditas
- credit policy (n.) paskolų politika
- export credit (n.) eksporto kreditas
- export credit insurance (n.) eksporto draudimas
- import credit (n.) importo kreditas
- long-term credit (n.) ilgalaikė paskola
- medium-term credit (n.) vidutinės trukmės paskola
- real estate credit (n.) nekilnojamojo turto paskola
- credit control (n.) paskolos kontrolė
- trade credit (n.) prekybos paskola
- credit sale (n.) pardavimas į skolą
- credit with (v.) paskirti, padalinti, pavesti
- Letter of credit Akredityvas
- agricultural credit (n.) žemės ūkio kreditas
- consumer credit (n.) vartojimo paskola
- credit transfer (n.) kredito pervedimas
- Eurocredit (n.) eurokreditas
- Crédit Agricole
- Credit derivative Išvestinė kredito priemonė
- Credit risk Kredito rizika
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (assets) money available for a client to borrow
- (ledger entry) an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items
- (accomplishment) an achievement deserving praise
- (payment) arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services
- (attainment) a recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours
- (note) a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage
- (title) an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work
- (estimate) an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to fulfill their financial commitments
- (message) a message expressing a favorable opinion
- (give someone credit) to give someone credit for something Type of: impute
- (accredit) to ascribe an achievement to
- (accounting) to enter as credit Topic: accounting. Type of: account
- (trust) to have trust in; to trust in the truth or veracity of Type of: trust
credit sinonimai acknowledgment, balance, balance at bank, bank balance, believability, citation, cite, course credit, credibility, credibleness, credit entry, credit rating, deferred payment, letter of credit, mention, quotation, recognition, reference, solvency, acknowledgement of sources, quotation of sources, credit line, believe, trust, accredit, believe
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