crumple lietuviškai
crumple vertimas v 1) glamžyti(s), maigyti(s); 2)perk. sumaigyti, sutriuškinti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (change integrity) to fall apart
- (fall in) to fold or collapse
- (ruckle) to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
- (fold up) to become wrinkled, crumpled, or creased
crumple sinonimai crease, wrinkle, corrugate, crease, crinkle, crush, gather, rumple, wrinkle, break down, buckle, cockle, collapse, crease, crinkle, crisp, crumble, crumple up, crush, knit, pucker, ruckle, rumple, screw up, scrunch, scrunch up, tumble, wrinkle
Netoliese crumple esantys žodžiai