cut lietuviškai
cut vertimas 1. v (cut) 1) (per) pjauti; įsipjauti; 2) kirsti; 3) (su)kirpti (pvz., suknelę); 4) pereiti (gatvę); kirstis (apie teises); 5) sumažinti (kainą); sutrumpinti; 6) įžeisti, ignoruoti;to cut smb dead apsimesti nepažįstant ko nors; 7) praleisti; to cut a lecture praleisti paskaitą; to cut down a) sumažinti (išlaidas);kainą; he cuts it under jis parduoda tai pigiau; to cut off a) nupjauti; b) el. išjungti; b) nukirsti; to cut in a) įsikišti (į kalbą);b) įsipainioti; to cut out a) iškirpti; b): cut it out! šnek. baikit!; to cut up sukapoti, supjaustyti; to cut no ice šnek. nieko nepešti; to cut the recordsumušti rekordą; to cut and run pasprukti; pabėgti; to cut to pieces iškritikuoti; to cut short nutraukti (pasikalbėjimą);2. n 1) žaizda; įpjovimas; 2) smūgis (t. p. sporte); 3) sukirpimas, fasonas; 3) (laikraščių) iškarpa; 4) (kainų, etatų) sumažinimas; 5) ignoravimas; 6) trumpesnis kelias; short cut trumpiausias kelias
- cut a dash () šauniai atrodyti
- clean-cut (adj.) tvarkingas
- cut a class (v.) neiti į pamokas, praleidinėti pamokas
- clear-cut (adj.) ryškus, aiškus, ženklus, žymus
- cut and dried () iš anksto nustatytas, žinomas, be kompromisų
- cut glass (n.) raižytas stiklas
- cut through (v.) skilti, skelti, pereiti, perplaukti, pervažiuoti, kirsti, įveikti, nukeliauti
- cut in (v.) įsiterpti į pokalbį, kištis, įsiterpti, nutraukti, pertraukti
- to cut a long story short (adv.) trumpai tariant, žodžiu, trumpai, trumpai sakant, glaustai
- cut in two (v.) dalinti pusiau, sumažinti perpus
- cut out (v.) įpjauti, įrėžti
- cut out (v.) baigti šį kartą
- cut out () stoti, sustoti, sustabdyti, išsekti, nustoti, pertraukti, nutilti, mesti, nutraukti, baigti
- cut up (v.) supjaustyti, sudraskyti
- cut both ways () turėti dvi puses, tikti abiem pusėms
- cut no ice () nedaryti įtakos, įspūdžio
- cut rate (n.) pigumas
- cut price (n.) pigumas
- cut-price () pigus, prastas, sumažintomis kainomis, ryškus, ekstravagantiškas, akį rėžiantis, rėksmingas, rėžiančių spalvų, rėkiantis, puošeiviškas, išsičiustijęs
- cut one's losses mesti, nutraukti
- cut it fine vos ištekti pinigų, vos suspėti
- cut off (v.) nutraukti, sustabdyti, įsikišti, baigtis, pertraukti, amputuoti, nupjauti, nuskelti, įskilti, sudraskyti
- cut off () atskirti, atkirsti, atsiskirti
- cut oneself off (v.) artėti, trauktis
- cut-throat (adj.) negailestingas, žiaurus, kietaširdis, nepalenkiamas
- cut-throat (n.) galvažudys
- cut class (v.) neiti į pamokas, praleidinėti pamokas
- cut of meat (n.) gabalas, išpjova
- cut short (v.) nutraukti, pertraukti, sutrumpinti, sumažinti, įsiterpti į pokalbį, kištis, įsiterpti
- cut down (v.) pakirpti, sumažinti, numušti, nuversti, leisti, kapoti, kirsti, pjauti, šienauti, supjaustyti, pjaustyti
- cut down () nukirsti, įsikišti, baigtis, nutraukti, sustabdyti, pertraukti
- pay cut (n.) atlyginimo mažinimas
- cut back (v.) apriboti, pakirpti, sumažinti, apkarpyti, karpyti, apgenėti, genėti, numušti
- cut one's teeth () kaltis dantims
- cut across (v.) pereiti, perplaukti, pervažiuoti, kirsti, įveikti, nukeliauti
- cut corners (v.) daryti ką greičiau, paprasčiau
- (share) a share of the profits Type of: share. Part of: loot
- (cinematography) an immediate transition from one shot to the next Topic: cinematography. Type of: transition
- (furrow) a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
- (gradation) a step on some scale Type of: gradation
- (wound) a wound made by cutting
- (meat) a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
- (abuse) a remark capable of wounding mentally
- (excerption) a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc
- (editing) the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage
- (cognition noun) the style in which a garment is cut Type of: fashion
- (canal) a canal made by erosion or excavation Type of: canal
- (rebuff) a refusal to recognize someone you know
- (baseball swing) in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball
- (undercut) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball
- (card game) the division of a deck of cards before dealing
- (opening) the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge
- (act, cutting something) the act of cutting something into parts
- (shortening) the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends
- (diminution) the act of reducing the amount or number Type of: decrease
- (absence) an unexcused absence from class Type of: absence
- (separate) to separate with, or as if with, an instrument Type of: separate. Follows: amputate, butcher, circumcise, cleave, cut out, pierce
- (cut, on) to cut down on; to make a reduction in
- (turn) to turn sharply; to change direction abruptly
- (make, incision, separation) to make an incision or separation
- (free) to discharge from a group Type of: free
- (form, probing, penetrating) to form by probing, penetrating, or digging Type of: make
- (design) to style and tailor in a certain fashion
- (sports) to hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction Topic: sports. Type of: hit
- (write) to make out and issue
- (alter) to cut and assemble the components of
- (miss) to intentionally fail to attend
- (cope) to be able to manage or manage successfully
- (look) to give the appearance or impression of Type of: look
- (boxing) to move (one's fist) Topic: boxing. Type of: move
- (pass) to pass directly and often in haste Type of: pass
- (transit) to pass through or across Type of: transit
- (shift) to make an abrupt change of image or sound Type of: switch
- (stop filming) to stop filming Type of: stop
- (make, recording of) to make a recording of Type of: record
- (record, performance, medium) to record a performance on (a medium) Type of: record
- (burn) to create by duplicating data
- (form, shape, cutting) to form or shape by cutting or incising Type of: make
- (perform) to perform or carry out Type of: perform
- (function) to function as a cutting instrument Type of: function
- (be) to allow incision or separation Type of: be
- (shuffle) to divide a deck of cards at random into 2 parts to make selection difficult Type of: shuffle
- (throw) to cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
- (reap) to reap or harvest Type of: reap
- (fell) to fell by sawing
- (penetrate) to penetrate injuriously Type of: penetrate
- (treat) to refuse to acknowledge
- (shorten, severing, edges) to shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of Type of: shorten
- (extinguish) to weed out unwanted or unnecessary things
- (dissolve) to dissolve by breaking down the fat of Type of: dissolve
- (have, reducing effect) to have a reducing effect Type of: decrease. Similar to: reduce
- (reduce, scope while) to reduce in scope while retaining essential elements
- (weaken) to lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture
- (develop) to have grow through the gums Type of: grow
- (grow, gums) to grow through the gums Type of: grow
- (emasculate) to cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)
- (discontinue) to put an end to a state or an activity
- (separated, parts, laid) separated into parts, or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument Similar to: chopped, cut-up, incised, perforated, pierced, severed, split
- (-cut) fashioned or shaped by cutting
- (abridged) with parts removed
- (clipped) made neat and tidy by trimming
- (vegetation) of grass or vegetation, cut down with a hand implement or machine
- (pages, book, folds) of pages of a book, having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit
- (castrated) of a male animal, having the testicles removed
- (decreased) of rates or prices, reduced usually sharply
- (diluted) mixed with water
cut sinonimai down, emasculated, gashed, gelded, mown, shortened, slashed, split, thinned, trimmed, weakened, baseball swing, cold shoulder, cut of meat, cutting, cutting off, deletion, electricity cut-off, excision, fit, gash, piece, power cut, power failure, power outage, slash, slice, snub, stinger, swing, track, undercut, abbreviate, abridge, bisect, bob, carve, carve out, chop, chop off, cross, curtail, cut away, cut back, cut back on, cut down, cut down on, cut off, cut out, diminish, dissect, engrave, fell, form, gash, gather, hack, incise, insult, intersect, lacerate, lessen, lop, lop off, mow, nick, notch, pare, pare down, penetrate, pierce, prune, reap, reduce, restrict, roll back, saw, scale down, scratch, sculpt, sever, shape, shave, shorten, slash, slit, snip, snip off, sting, trim, truncate, whittle, wound, abbreviate, abridge, bob, bring down, burn, carve, castrate, contract, curve, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut up, dilute, disregard, edit, edit out, foreshorten, geld, hack, ignore, issue, make out, make-up, prune, put off, rationalise, rationalize, reduce, sheer, shorten, skip, slew, slue, snub, swerve, switch off, tailor, thin, thin out, trend, trim, trim back, trim down, turn off, turn out, veer, write out