dash lietuviškai
dash vertimas 1. v 1) pulti, šokti, veržtis; he dashed into the room jis įsiveržė į kambarį; 2) pralėkti: trains dashed through the stations traukiniai pralėkė stotis; 3) mesti, sviesti; 4) sudužti; sudaužyti; dash it!, dash you! po velnių!;2. n 1) smarkus judėjimas, antpuolis; 2) ryžtingumas; 3) veržimasis; 4) brūkšnys; 5) sport.šuolis; sprintas; metimas; 6) priemaiša, truputis; to cut a dash stengtis šauniai pasirodyti
- em dash (n.) langas, pertrauka, sustojimas, tarpas
- dash off (v.) brūkštelėti
- dash off () išdumti
- cut a dash () šauniai atrodyti
- Oldsmobile Curved Dash
- dash (n.) sprintas, didelis greitis, puolimas, metimasis, stilius, elegancija, brūkšnelis
- dash (n.) entuziazmas, užsidegimas, veržlumas
- dash (v.) sutraiškyti, traiškyti, sudužti, sudaužyti, sviesti, tėkšti, išgąsdinti, priblokšti, atimti drąsą, nusiminti, netekti vilties, įbauginti, nerti, pulti, mestis, lėkti, dumti, sukrėsti
- dash () truputis
- dash off išdumti
- (elegance) distinctive and stylish elegance
- (running) a quick run
- (track event) a footrace run at top speed Type of: track event
- (punctuation mark) a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word when the word is divided at the end of a line of text
- (radiotelegraphic signal) the longer of the 2 telegraphic signals used in Morse code
- (haste) the act of moving with great haste
- (rush along) to run or move very quickly or hastily
- (break) to break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over
- (hurl) to hurl or thrust violently
- (thwart) to destroy or break Type of: thwart
- (intimidate) to cause to lose courage
- (mix in) to add an enlivening or altering element to Type of: mix in
dash sinonimai bit, board, bolt, burst, control board, control panel, dah, dart, dashboard, decisiveness, elan, energy, final sprint, flair, flourish, hint, hyphen, instrument board, instrument panel, line, panache, panel, race, rush, smack, spirit, sprinkling, sprint, spurt, stroke, style, suggestion, surge, vigour, fascia, dynamicity, dynamism, oomph, pizzaz, zest, zing, pizzazz, book, browbeat, bully, crash, dart, demotivate, discourage, flash, frighten away, frighten off, intimidate, lose courage, lose heart, pall, scare, scare away, scare off, scoot, scud, shatter, shoot, smash, daunt, jog, race, run, run up, rush, rush up, crush, grind, pound, squash