dear lietuviškai
dear vertimas 1. a 1) brangusis, mielasis; 2) brangus (t. p. kreipiantis laiške); 2. n 1) mylimasis, -oji, -ė; 2) šnek. puikumėlis, žavesys; 3. adv 1) švelniai; 2) brangiai; 4. int: dear me!, oh dear! Dieve mano!; dievulėliau!
- oh dear! () va tai tau!, oi! o Dieve!, vajetau!, o Viešpatie!, vajetau! o Dieve!, Dieve mano!, vaje!
- hold dear (v.) mylėti, puoselėti
- dear, dear! () oi! o Dieve!, vajetau!, o Viešpatie!, vajetau! o Dieve!, Dieve mano!, vaje!
- dear (adj.) šiltas, linksmas, džiugus, brangus, neįkandamas, mylimas, mielas, širdingas, nuoširdus, gerbiamasis, brangusis, mielasis
- dear (adv.) meiliai
- dear (n.) meilė, mylimasis, mielasis! mieloji!, brangusis, brangioji, mielasis, mieloji, meilutis, mielas žmogus, aukselis, numylėtinis, lepūnėlis
- dear () va tai tau!, oi! o Dieve!, vajetau!, o Viešpatie!, vajetau! o Dieve!, Dieve mano!, vaje!
- Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains Gajanos himnas
- (lover) a beloved person; used as terms of endearment
- (innocent) a sweet innocent mild-mannered person (especially a child)
- (loved) dearly loved
- (close) with or in a close or intimate relationship
- (expensive) having a high price
- (sincere) open and genuine; not deceitful
- (affectionately) with affection
- (great cost) at a great cost
dear sinonimai dear, dear!, good gracious, good gracious!, good heavens, goodness gracious, goodness me, gosh, grace, gracious, heavens, Heavens!, my, my God!, my goodness, my goodness!, oh!, oh dear!, good heavens!, affectionate, beloved, cherished, convivial, cordial, costly, darling, dearly, devout, earnest, esteemed, expensive, expensively, familiar, favourite, fond, genial, good, heartfelt, hearty, high-priced, intimate, jovial, loved, near, open-hearted, precious, prized, valuable, warm, warmhearted, pricey, pricy, affectionately, dearly, expensively, lovingly, softly, tenderheartedly, tenderly, admirer, beloved, boyfriend, darling, dearest, fellow, flame, lamb, love, lover, luv, pet, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, young man, baby, beau, bonanza, fancy man, honey, suitor, swain, treasure, treasure-house, treasury, wealth