dissipate lietuviškai
dissipate vertimas v 1) išsklaidyti; 2) išblaškyti (debesis, baimę); 3) prašvilpti (turtą)
- (divide) to cause to separate and go in different directions
- (part) to move away from each other
- (consume) to spend frivolously and unwisely
- (live) to live a life of pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption Type of: live
dissipate sinonimai break up, come to nothing, come to nought, disappear, disintegrate, dispel, disperse, fade, fade away, fool, fool away, fritter, fritter away, frivol away, idle away, melt away, misuse, perish, scatter, shoot, spend, spread, spread out, squander, use up, vanish, blow over, come to nothing, come to nought, disappear, fade, fleet, pass, pass off, perish, vanish, wear off, evanesce, consume, disperse, fritter away, idle away, lavish, scatter, splash out, squander, ware, waste