doping lietuviškai
doping vertimas dopingo vartojimas (sporte)
- dope off (v.) užmigti, užsnūsti, tuoj pat užmigti, kristi ir užmigti
- dope up (v.) duoti dopingo
- (do drugs) to take drugs to improve one's athletic performance Type of: do drugs
- (electronics) to add impurities to (a semiconductor) to produce or modify its properties Topic: electronics. Type of: change
- (practice of medicine) to give a narcotic to
dope sinonimai arsehole, ass, blockhead, bonehead, boob, changeling, chump, clot, cola, details, dimwit, dolt, donkey, drugs, dumbo, dummy, dunce, fathead, fat-head, fool, fuckwit, gage, grass, green goddess, halfwit, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, information, locoweed, low-down, Mary Jane, narcotic, nincompoop, nitwit, numskull, nut, oaf, opiate, poop, pot, retard, sens, sess, simpleton, skunk, smoke, stupefacient, the skinny, wanker, weed, additive agent, berk, booby, bugger, burk, cretin, damn fool, dumbbell, hammerhead, jackass, loggerhead, moron, peabrain, pinhead, twerp, twirp, wally, dope up
doping sinonimai drug, drugs