drawn lietuviškai
drawn vertimas pp iš draw.
- draw back (v.) išblykšti, blykšti, atsiimti, atsitraukti, pasitraukti
- draw a bead on (v.) siekti, trokšti
- draw a blank (v.) nieko nepešti
- draw out (v.) ištęsti, užtęsti, prailginti, pratęsti, ištraukti, išgauti
- draw out () atsiimti, išimti, gauti, paimti iš banko
- drawn-out (adj.) ilga, ilgas, užsitęsęs
- draw off (v.) nupilti, atsiimti, išimti, gauti, paimti iš banko
- long drawn out () amžinas, užsitęsęs, pratisas, nesibaigiantis, begalinis
- draw up (v.) sustoti, ištiesinti, išlyginti
- draw up () sumontuoti, išdėstyti, sudėti, sutvarkyti, sustatyti, surašyti, parengti, prisitraukti, pritraukti
- draw a line (v.) nustatyti ribą, padėti tašką
- draw lots (v.) traukti burtus, paleisti į loteriją
- draw a conclusion from (v.) daryti išvadą, pamanyti, manyti, nuspręsti
- draw on (v.) naudotis, remtis
- draw on () užsitempti, užtempti, užsimauti, prisiartinti, priartėti, artëti, artėti, artintis, išsitiesti, ištiesti, ištiesinti, išlyginti
- draw near (v.) prisiartinti, priartėti, artëti, artėti, artintis
- draw upon (v.) naudotis, remtis
- draw the line (v.) nustatyti ribą, padėti tašką
- draw close (v.) glaustis, įsitaisyti, prisiglausti, priglusti, prisiartinti, priartėti, artëti, artėti, artintis
- draw in (v.) pritraukti, įtraukti, įsitraukti, raitytis, susiraityti, susiriesti
- draw in () sustoti
- draw (n.) timptelėjimas, pervežimas, mokestis už pervežimą, loterijos lošimas, burtų traukimas, lygiosios, viliojantis dalykas, pagunda, atrakcionas
- draw (n.) viliojantis dalykas, pagunda
- draw (v.) trauktis, artėti, būti, sudaryti, vaizduoti, papasakoti, apibūdinti, surinkti lygų taškų skaičių, sužaisti lygiosiomis, patraukti, atitraukti, verti ant siūlo, suverti, pritraukti, sugerti, piešti, atsiimti, išimti, gauti, paimti iš banko, traukti
- draw a conclusion from daryti išvadą
- draw back (v.) atsiimti, blykšti, išblykšti, išeiti, pasitraukti
- draw close (v.) artëti, artėti, artintis, glaustis, priartėti, priglusti, prisiartinti
- draw in (v.) pritraukti, raitytis, susiraityti, susiriesti
- draw lots (v.) paleisti į loteriją, traukti burtus
- draw near (v.) artëti, artėti, artintis, priartėti, prisiartinti
- draw off nupilti
- draw off (v.) atsiimti, išimti, paimti iš banko
- draw on artëti, artėti, artintis, išsitiesti, ištiesti, įvažiuoti į kelio vidurį, naudoti, naudotis, priartėti, prisiartinti, remtis, užsitempti, užtempti
- draw out atsiimti, išimti, paimti iš banko
- draw out (v.) ištęsti, prailginti, pratęsti, užtęsti
- draw up išdėstyti, parengti, prisitraukti, pritraukti, sudėti, sumontuoti, surašyti, sustatyti, sutvarkyti
- draw up (v.) sustoti
- Tie (draw) Lygiosios
- List of Drawn Together characters Drawn Together veikėjai
- Drawn Together
- (cause, move, pulling) to cause to move by pulling
- (obtain) to get or derive
- (mark) to make a mark or lines on a surface
- (create by mental act) to make, formulate, or derive in the mind
- (pull out) to bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
- (artistic production) to represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, and so on, on a surface Topic: artistic production. Type of: represent. Similar to: trace
- (take liquid, container) to take liquid out of a container or well
- (elaborate) to give a description of
- (choose) to select or take in from a given group or region Type of: choose
- (arouse) to elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, and so on Type of: arouse. Similar to: reap
- (inhale) to suck in or take (air)
- (travel) to move or go steadily or gradually Type of: travel
- (draw off) to remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
- (cast) to choose at random
- (baseball game) to earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher
- (change) to bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition Type of: change
- (cause, flow) to cause to flow Type of: remove
- (write) to write a legal document or paper Type of: write
- (create) to engage in drawing Type of: create. Similar to: trace
- (close) to move or pull so as to cover or uncover something Type of: close
- (be) to allow a draft Type of: be
- (necessitate) to require a specified depth for floating Type of: necessitate
- (kill) to pull (a person) apart with 4 horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him
- (cause, move, certain) to cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense
- (absorb) to take in, also metaphorically
- (attract) to direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
- (arrange) to thread on, or as if on, a string
- (stretch) to stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow)
- (pass, through) to pass over, across, or through
- (equalise) to finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, and so on
- (thin) to reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die Type of: thin
- (steep) to pass through a strainer
- (disembowel) to remove the entrails of
- (shape) to flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching Type of: shape
- (localize) to cause to localize at one point Type of: localize
- (decrease) to become smaller or draw together
- (tired) showing the wearing effects of overwork, care, or suffering
- (closed) having the curtains or draperies closed or pulled shut Similar to: closed
draw sinonimai attracter, attraction, attractor, casting lots, drawing, drawing card, drawing lots, draw play, draw poker, haul, haulage, hook, hooking, lot, sortition, standoff, tie, toss, attraction, popular attraction, crowd puller, allure, attenuate, attract, delineate, depict, derive, drag, draw along, entice, extract, get, induce, infer, inhale, invite, lengthen, pick, pluck, pluck at, portray, puff, pull, pull at, pull to, shut, sketch, stretch, tie, tow, trace, trace out, tug, tug at, yank on, absorb, attract, cast, delineate, depict, describe, disembowel, drag, draw along, draw and quarter, draw in, draw off, draw out, eviscerate, force, get, get out, guide, imbibe, line, make, pass, puff, pull, pull back, pull in, pull out, quarter, reap, run, soak in, soak up, sop up, string, suck, suck up, take in, take out, take up, thread, tie, tow, tow away, trace, trace out, tug, withdraw
drawn sinonimai careworn, haggard, pinched, raddled, worn