dream lietuviškai
dream vertimas 1. n 1) sapnas; 2) svajonė; 2. v (dreamt, dreamed) 1) sapnuoti; 2) svajoti (about/of); įsivaizduoti; to dream away dykai praleisti laiką; to dream up sugalvoti
- dream up (v.) sugalvoti, užmaišyti, išgalvoti, pramanyti, sukurpti, išsigalvoti
- American Dream Amerikietiška svajonė
- pipe dream (n.) siekis, troškimas, svajonė, sapnas, nepasiekiama svajonė
- day-dream (n.) svajonės, fantazijos
- day-dream (v.) fantazuoti, sapnuoti, svajoti
- bad dream (n.) košmaras, baisus sapnas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (imaging) a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep
- (imaginativeness) imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake
- (desire) a cherished desire
- (fantasy) a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe)
- (reverie) a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality Type of: reverie
- (perfection) someone or something wonderful Type of: perfection
- (imagine) to have a daydream; to indulge in a fantasy
- (perceive) to experience while sleeping Type of: perceive. Followed by: sleep
dream sinonimai dreamlike, air castle, ambition, aspiration, castle in Spain, castle in the air, daydream, dreaming, pipe dream, reverie, daydream, envisage, fantasise, hallucinate, have a dream, imagine, visualise, day, daydream, day-dream, muse, stargaze, woolgather
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