dumping lietuviškai
dumping vertimas n dempingas
- garbage dump (n.) sąvartynas
- rubbish dump (n.) sąvartynas
- rubbish dump (n.) krūva, sąvartynas
- dumping of waste (n.) atliekų kaupimas sąvartynuose
- anti-dumping measure (n.) antidempingo priemonė
- social dumping (n.) socialinis dempingas
- anti-dumping legislation (n.) antidempingo įstatymai
- unauthorised dumping (n.) neteisėtas atliekų išvertimas
- anti-dumping duty (n.) antidempingo mokestis
- trash dump (n.) sąvartynas
- Dumping (pricing policy) Dempingas
- (selling) selling goods abroad at a price below that charged in the domestic market Type of: selling
- (discard) to throw away as refuse Type of: discard
- (get rid of) to sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly
- (sell) to sell at artificially low prices
- (drop, stuff, heap) to drop (stuff) in a heap or mass Type of: drop
- (dive) to fall abruptly
- (beat) to knock down with force
dump sinonimai dumpsite, garbage dump, rubbish dump, shit, trash dump, wasteyard, waste-yard, dilapidated cottage, dilapidated house, hovel, shanty, tumbledown cottage, tumbledown house, garbage dump, rubbish dump, rubbish tip, tip, discard, junk, unload, abate, cast aside, cast away, cast off, cast out, chuck out, coldcock, deck, discard, dispose, ditch, dive, fling, floor, get rid of, junk, knock down, part with, pitch, plunge, put away, run down, run over, throw away, throw out, toss, toss away, toss out, underprice, unload, tip
dumping sinonimai disposition, pouring-out, shooting, tipping-out, transfer, transference, unloading, tipping