efflorescence lietuviškai
efflorescence vertimas n 1) (pra) žydėjimas; 2) (iš)dūlėjimas; 3) med. išbėrimas
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (time period) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- (eruption) any red eruption of the skin
- (growth) the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms
- (crystallization) a powdery deposit on a surface Type of: crystallization
efflorescence sinonimai anthesis, bloom, blossom, blossoming, eruption, florescence, flower, flowering, flush, heyday, inflorescence, peak, prime, rash, roseola, skin rash
Netoliese efflorescence esantys žodžiai
- effloresce
- effing
- effigy
- efflorescence
- efflorescent
- effluence
- effluent