enter lietuviškai
enter vertimas v 1) įeiti; 2) įstoti; 3) įrašyti, įtraukti (į sąrašą ar pan.); to enter a room įeiti į kambarį; to enter for užsirašyti (norint dalyvauti); to enter into a) pradėti bendrauti; b) atjausti, suprasti; c) įskaityti, įrašyti; to enter on/upon imtis ko nors
- enter into (v.) sudaryti
- enter into () įeiti, dalyvauti, paisyti, skaitytis su, kreipti dėmesį į, numatyti, atsižvelgti, turėti omeny, imtis, leistis į, turėti galvoje, puoselėti, įsigilinti, įsileisti, kreipti dėmesį
- re-enter (v.) sugrįžti, grįžti, vėl patekti
- enter on (v.) pradėti
- enter upon (v.) pradėti
- Enter Shikari
- (key) the key on electric typewriters or computer keyboards that causes a carriage return and a line feed
- (come in) to come or go into
- (participate) to become a participant; to be involved in
- (register) to register formally as a participant or member
- (be) to be or play a part of or in
- (recording) to make a record of; to set down in permanent form
- (dramaturgy) to come on stage Topic: dramaturgy. Followed by: act
- (succeed) to take on duties or office
- (attach) to put or introduce into something
- (get down) to set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)
enter sinonimai accede, accede to, become a member, become a party, become a party to, come in, come into, embark, encroach, enlist, enrol, enroll, enter by force, figure, get in, get into, go in, go into, go in with, infix, inscribe, insert, introduce, invade, join, matriculate, move into, participate, penetrate, penetrate into, pierce, put down, put down for, record, recruit, register, set foot in, sign up, walk in, walk into, appear on the stage, come on, come on the scene, come on the stage, matriculate, present o.s., put one's name down, register, sign up, enrol, enroll, enter into, key in, register, strike up, take, turn into