faith lietuviškai
faith vertimas n 1) (pa)tikėjimas; to pin one's faith aklai tikėti; 2) ištikimybė; in good faithsąžiningai; upon my faith!, in faith! garbės žodis; tikrai; 3) ištikimybė, lojalumas; 4) pažadai; to keep (to break) one's faith laikytis (nesilaikyti) žodžio; 5) tikyba; religija
- article of faith (n.) įsitikinimas
- good faith (n.) tiesumas
- have a faith (v.) manyti
- in (all) good faith be blogų kėslų, nuoširdžiai
- in good faith (adj.) nuoširdžiai, be blogų kėslų
- Keep the Faith
- (theological virtue) a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
- (trust) complete confidence in a person, plan, or so on
- (institution) an institution to express belief in a divine power
- (commitment) loyalty or allegiance to a cause or a person Type of: commitment
faith sinonimai acceptance, allegiance, assurance, belief, certitude, confidence, conviction, credence, credo, creed, denomination, dependence, doctrine, dogma, encouragement, fidelity, holiness, organized religion, persuasion, profession, reliance, religion, religious belief, sect, sureness, trust