fellow lietuviškai
fellow vertimas 1. n 1) draugas, bičiulis; poor fellow vargšas; my dear fellow mano brangusis; old fellowsenis; perk. draugužis; 2) vaikinas, vyrukas; a good fellow šaunus vaikinas; 3) (mokslo draugijos, grupės, koledžo) narys; 4) draugas, bendražygis; fellow citizen bendrapilietis; 5) vienas iš poros (pvz., batų); 2. a draugiškas
- fellow countryman (n.) tėvynainis, tautietis
- class fellow (n.) klasės draugas, moksladraugis
- fellow feeling (n.) užuojauta, tarpusavio supratimas
- fellow-feeling (n.) užuojauta, tarpusavio supratimas
- fellow member (n.) narys
- fellow worker (n.) kolega
- fellow countrywoman (n.) tėvynainis, tautietis
- fellow pupil (n.) klasės draugas, moksladraugis
- odd fellow (n.) skirtingas nuo kitų asmuo, daiktas, atliekamas asmuo, skirtingas nuo kitų asmuo/daiktas, nepritapėlis, atliekamas asmuo/daiktas, liekas
- (male person) a boy or man
- (friend) a friend who is frequently in the company of another
- (assoc.) a person who is member of one's class or profession
- (singleton) one of a pair
- (fellow member) a member of a learned society Type of: fellow member
- (dude) a form of address for a man
- (lover) a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman
fellow sinonimai admirer, amigo, associate, bedfellow, beloved, blighter, bloke, boon companion, boy, boyfriend, brother, buddy, buster, chap, chum, close, colleague, companion, comrade, confrere, crony, cuss, darling, dear, dearest, dick, dude, familiar, fella, feller, flame, friend, gent, girl-friend, guy, intimate, lad, love, lover, luv, man, mate, member, pal, person, pet, sidekick, sweet, sweetheart, sweetie, young man, baby, beau, bonanza, fancy man, honey, suitor, swain, treasure, treasure-house, treasury, wealth, buck, dick, guy, he, male, man, bloke, boy, chap, customer, dude, feller, geezer, lad