fill lietuviškai
fill vertimas 1. v 1) pri(si)pildyti; 2) prisotinti; patenkinti; 3) vykdyti (pareigas); 4) pripildyti (indą); 5) plombuoti (dantį); užkišti (skylę); to fill in a form užpildyti anketą; to fill out a) papilnėti; 2) išplisti, prisipildyti; to fill up pripildyti;2.n 1) pakankamas kiekis; 2) sotis, sotumas; to eat one's fill valgyti ligi soties
- fill the bill (v.) patenkinti poreikius, tikti, pavykti padaryti
- fill out (v.) informuoti, supažindinti, užpildyti, penėti, pamušti, prikimšti, skalsinti
- fill in (v.) informuoti, supažindinti, užpildyti, pakeisti, pavaduoti, užsiimti, užimti, neduoti kam atsikvėpti
- fill-in (n.) pastiprinimas, parama, dubleris, pakaitalas, pavaduojantis, pavaduotojas, pamainininkas
- fill in (v.) turėti informaciją, atskleisti
- fill again (v.) papildyti, vėl pripildyti
- fill with consternation (v.) nugąsdinti
- fill with dismay (v.) nugąsdinti
- fill up (v.) užkimšti, užsikimšti, prispausti, užkišti, išpilti degalus, prisipildyti, pripildyti
- fill up (v.) informuoti, supažindinti, užpildyti
- fill with enthusiasm (v.) kelti entuziazmą, pritrenkti
- have one's fill of (v.) šlykštėtis, neapkęsti, bjaurėtis
- (enough) a quantity sufficient to satisfy Type of: enough
- (material) any material that fills a space or container
- (change) to make full, also in a metaphorical sense
- (change state) to become full
- (be) to occupy the whole of
- (do work) to assume, as of positions or roles
- (provide) to fill or meet a want or need
- (hire) to appoint someone to (a position or a job) Type of: hire
- (eat) to eat until one is sated
- (consume) to fill to satisfaction
- (repair) to plug with a substance Type of: repair
fill sinonimai complete, filler, fill in, filling, make out, fill out, fill up, accompany, appoint, become full, cement, cement together, cram, elect, execute, fill up, fulfil, fulfill, glut, inflate, infuse, make full, meet, nominate, occupy, pack, perform, permeate, pervade, plug, plug up, pour, pump up, replenish, replete, sate, satiate, satisfy, saturate, seal, seal up, stock, stop, stop up, supply, surfeit, take, take up, top up, fill up, cram, fill up, pad, plug, plug up, secure, stop, stop up, stuff