fitter lietuviškai
fitter vertimas n 1) siuvėjas; 2) monteris; šaltkalvis; fitting 1. n 1) pri(si)matavimas (ypač drabužių); 2) montavimas;2. a tinkamas
- fit in with (v.) sugyventi, sutarti
- see fit (v.) laikyti reikalinga, ploti
- keep-fit (n.) gimnastikos, kasdienė mankšta
- fit well (v.) tikti
- think fit (v.) laikyti reikalinga, ploti
- make fit (v.) priderinti, pritaikyti
- fit out (v.) aprengti, įrengti, pritaisyti
- fit like a glove () labai tikti, būti kaip tik, puikiai tikti, labai gerai tikti
- fit of anger (n.) aikštis, įniršio priepuolis, kaprizas
- pipe fitter (n.) santechnikas
- fit in (v.) atitikti, derėti, derinti
- fit in () sugyventi, sutarti
- fit of laughter (n.) juokimasis iš viso pilvo, kvatojimas, žvengimas
- throw a fit (v.) įsiusti, netekti kantrybės, įsikarščiuoti, nesusivaldyti, užvirti pykčiu, prarasti savitvardą, pasiusti
- fit to a T (v.) tikti
- have a fit (v.) įsiusti, netekti kantrybės, įsikarščiuoti, nesusivaldyti, užvirti pykčiu, prarasti savitvardą, pasiusti
- (tailor) someone who fits a garment to a particular person Type of: tailor
- (meeting adequate standards) meeting adequate standards for a purpose Similar to: acceptable, suitable, worthy
- (better) improved in health or physical condition
- (ready) on the point of or strongly disposed
- (physically, mentally sound) physically and mentally sound or healthy Similar to: able-bodied, conditioned
fitter sinonimai healthier, cutter, lathe operator, metal worker, turner
fit sinonimai apposite, appropriate, apt, as it should be, fitting, healthful, in training, pertinent, primed, proper, right, set, sound, suitable, apoplexy, attack, blaze of anger, burst, burst of anger, cerebral haemorrhage, cerebrovascular accident, conniption, convulsion, cut, CVA, fit of anger, impulse, outburst of rage, paroxysm, scene, seizure, spasm, spell, spurt, stroke, tantrum, whim, accommodate, agree, become, check, conform to, correspond, equip, fit out, fit to a T, fit well, gibe, go, jibe, kit out, match, meet, outfit, suit, tally, tie in/up, rig out, adapt, adjust, adjust to, assemble, be appropriate for, be fit for, be good for, be suitable for, be suitable to, be suited for, be suited to be, build, edit, fix, make fit, make suit, make suitable, make suitable for, make suitable to, mount, put together, set up, suit, tailor to