flank lietuviškai

flank vertimas 1. n 1) šonas; kraštas; 2) kar.flangas, sparnas; to turn the flank apeiti iš flango; perk. pergudrauti;2. v 1) būti šone; 2) užpulti iš flango

Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
  • (military machine) the side of military or naval formation
  • (subfigure) a subfigure consisting of a side of something Type of: subfigure
  • (cut of beef) a cut from the fleshy part of an animal's side between the ribs and the leg Type of: cut of beef
  • (general anatomy) the side between ribs and hip bone Topic: general anatomy. Type of: body part. Part of: quadruped
  • (lie) to be located at the sides of something or somebody Type of: lie

flank sinonimai side, wing

Netoliese flank esantys žodžiai