flat lietuviškai
flat vertimas In butas II 1. a 1) plokščias; lygus; 2) nuobodus, vienodas; 3) seklus; 4) kategoriškas; tiesus; flat refusalkategoriškas atsisakymas; thst's flat tai visiškai aišku; 5) muz. bemolinis, minorinis; 6) išsikrovęs (apie bateriją); 7) išsikvėpęs (apie alų ir pan.); 2. n 1) lyguma; 2) plokščioji pusė; 3) nuleista padanga; 4) muz. bemolis; 5) dekoracija, detalė;3. adv 1) plokščiai, lygiai; 2) tiksliai, kaip tik; 3) tiesiai, griežtai
- flat broke (adj.) be pinigų, sunkioje padėtyje
- flat-rate tax (n.) vienodo tarifo mokestis
- Flat feet Plokščiapėdystė
- flat out (adv.) iš visų jėgų, pašėlusiai greitai, tiesiai, tiesmukiškai, šiurkščiai, griežtai, smarkiai
- fall flat (v.) mesti, nepasisekti, palikti, nepavykti, žlugti, sužlugti
- flat product (n.) plokščiasis gaminys
- flat solid (n.) paklodė
- flat coat (n.) gruntas
- flat rate () pastovus tarifas
- flat-bottomed boat (n.) barža, motorlaivis
- Flat (music) Bemolis
- Flat tax Proporcinis mokestis
- Flat memory model Plokščia atmintis
- mud flat (n.) dumblėtas krantas
- (plain) a level tract of land Type of: plain
- (footwear) footwear (shoes or slippers) with no heel (or a very low heel)
- (box) a shallow box in which seedlings are started Type of: box
- (musical notation) a musical notation indicating one half step lower than the note named Type of: musical notation
- (freight car) a freight car without permanent sides or roof
- (pneumatic tire) a deflated pneumatic tire
- (scenery) scenery consisting of a wooden frame covered with painted canvas; part of a stage setting Type of: scenery. Part of: mise en scène
- (housing) a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
- (even) having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another
- (planar) having a relatively broad surface in relation to depth or thickness Similar to: planar
- (unqualified) not modified or restricted by reservations
- (unerect) stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
- (photography) lacking contrast or shading between tones Topic: photography
- (music) of a musical note, lowered in pitch by one chromatic semitone Topic: music
- (biology) flattened laterally along the whole length (for example, certain leafstalks or flatfishes)
- (tasteless) lacking taste, flavor, or tang
- (unstimulating) lacking stimulating characteristics
- (noneffervescent) having lost effervescence Similar to: noneffervescent
- (unmodulated) sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch
- (horizontal) horizontally level Similar to: horizontal
- (multidimensional) lacking the expected range or depth; not designed to give an illusion or depth
- (dull) not reflecting light; not glossy
- (inactive) commercially inactive Similar to: inactive
- (flat sails) with flat sails
- (directly) in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly
flat sinonimai emphatic, forceful, horizontal surface, level, 2-dimensional, absolute, bland, boring, categoric, categorical, collapsed, compressed, dead, deflated, downright, dull, empty, fixed, flavorless, flavourless, horizontal, insipid, lackluster, lacklustre, level, lifeless, low, lusterless, lustreless, mat, matt, matted, monotone, monotonic, monotonous, peremptory, plain, plane, pointless, positive, prone, prosaic, prostrate, savorless, savourless, smooth, spiritless, stale, tarnished, tasteless, tedious, toneless, two-dimensional, unconditional, uninteresting, unpleated, unqualified, unraised, vapid, matte, directly, straight, straightly, flatbed, flatcar, flat tire, apartment, ford, mudflat, mud flat