fledgling lietuviškai
fledgling vertimas n jauniklis (paukštis); perk. jaunas neprityręs asmuo
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (novice) any new participant in some activity
- (young bird) a young bird that has just fledged or become capable of flying
- (fledged) of a young bird, having acquired its flight feathers
- (inexperienced) young and inexperienced
fledgling sinonimai callow, fledgeling, unfledged, arrival, baby bird, beginner, bird, chick, deb, debutant, debutante, entrant, fledgeling, freshman, greenhorn, initiate, jay, neophyte, nestling, newbie, newcomer, noob, novice, rookie, starter, tenderfoot, tiro, tyro, young bird, fledegling, squab
Netoliese fledgling esantys žodžiai