flush lietuviškai
flush vertimas I1. v 1) purptelėti; 2) nubaidyti;2. n nubaidytas paukščių būrys II 1. v 1) priplūsti; kraujo į veidą; siūbtelėti; 2) parausti, raudonuoti(t. p. to flush up); 3) praplauti, išplauti; 4) užtvindyti; 5) priversti parausti; 6) įkvėpti, sužadinti (džiaugsmą, pasididžiavimą);2. n 1) staigi vandens srovė, srautas; 2) pakili nuotaika; 3) raudonis, paraudimas; 4) gausumas; 5) suklestėjimas; 6) priepuolis;3. a 1) esantis viename lygyje; 2) turtingas, gerai aprūpintas (of).
- four flush (n.) blefas
- in the first flush of () pačiame žydėjime
- flush toilet (n.) vandens nuleidimo įtaisas, nuleidimas
- flush the toilet (v.) nuplauti vandens srove
- flush it (v.) sužlugdyti, žlugdyti, sužlugti, patirti nesėkmę, ko nors nepadaryti, nepavykti, susikirsti per egzaminą, pakliūti į bėdą, žlugti, nepasisekti
- Flush the Fashion
- (time period) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- (good health) a rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health
- (symptom) a sudden brief sensation of heat (associated with menopause and some mental disorders)
- (poker hand) a poker hand with all 5 cards in the same suit Type of: poker hand
- (exhilaration) the swift release of a store of affective force
- (flowing) a sudden rapid flow (as of water)
- (unconditioned reflex) a sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment, guilt, shame, or modesty)
- (discolor) to turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
- (flow freely) to flow freely Type of: run
- (glow) to glow or cause to glow with warm color or light Type of: glow
- (change surface) to make level or straight
- (rinse off) to rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid
- (drench) to irrigate with water from a sluice
- (water) to cause to flow, flood with, or as if with water Type of: water. Causes: run
- (surface exactly even) of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane Similar to: even
- (rich) having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- (squarely, solidly) squarely or solidly
- (same plane) in the same plane
flush sinonimai affluent, moneyed, wealthy, filthy rich, loaded, equal, even, bang, bloom, blossom, blush, blush of embarrassment, boot, charge, cistern, congestion, ecstasy, efflorescence, flower, flush toilet, glow, gush, heyday, hot flash, hot flush, kick, lavatory, outpouring, peak, prime, rapture, rosiness, rush, thrill, hot flush, blush, crimson, even, even out, level, purge, redden, scour, sluice, flush the lavatory, flush the toilet