fold lietuviškai
fold vertimas I1. n 1) aptvaras (avims); avidė; 2) perk. bažnyčios bendruomenės nariai;2. v įginti, įvaryti (avis). II1. v 1) sulankstyti, suklostyti; 2) būti sulenkiamam; 3) apkabinti; to fold smb in one's armsapglėbti; 4) sukryžiuoti (virš krūtinės rankas); 5) (su)vynioti; apvynioti; 6) kul. įmaišyti, išplakti;2. n 1) klostė; raukšlė; 2) (durų)suvėrimas; 3)tech. lankstė
- vocal fold (n.) balso stygos
- fold in half (v.) susiriesti, suriesti
- Epicanthic fold Epikantas
- fold in two (v.) susiriesti, suriesti
- fold up (v.) subankrutuoti, patirti bankrotą, sulenkti, sulankstyti, užbaigti, galutinai nuspręsti
- two-fold (adj.) dvejopas, dvigubas
- three-fold (adj.) dvejopas, dvigubas, trigubas
- Cape Fold Belt Kapo kalnai
- four-fold (adj.) keturgubas, keturlinkas, keturšalis
- Waterpocket Fold Vandens telkinio įduba
- (angular shape) an angular or rounded shape made by folding
- (social group) a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
- (geological process) a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
- (animal group) a group of sheep or goats
- (general anatomy) a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
- (pen) a pen for sheep
- (change of shape) the act of folding
- (change surface) to bend or lay so that one part covers the other
- (integrate) to incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating Type of: integrate
- (close up) to cease to operate or cause to cease operating
- (restrain) to confine in a fold, like sheep
- (change) to become folded or folded up
fold sinonimai bend, corrugation, crease, crimp, faithful, flexure, flock, folding, furrow, overlap, pen, plait, pleat, plica, plication, ply, sheepcote, sheepfold, sheep pen, braid, braiding, congregation, abandon, click shut, close, close down, close up, cross, desert, drop, fall shut, fold up, forsake, forswear, furl, give up, incorporate, pen up, quit, relinquish, shut, shut down, swing shut, throw up, turn up, pleat, tuck, wrinkle