forced lietuviškai
forced vertimas a 1) priverčiamas; priverstinis; forced landingpriverstinis nusileidimas; 2) forsuotas; 3) įtemptas
- United States Air Force Jungtinių Valstijų karinės oro pajėgos
- air force (n.) karinės oro pajėgos
- Air force Karinės oro pajėgos
- police force (n.) policija
- forced disappearance (n.) priverstinis dingimas
- force back (v.) griežtai atmesti, duoti atkirtį, atstumti, atmesti, paniekinti, įskaudinti
- force of will (n.) valia, savitvarda
- force of attraction (n.) viliojantis dalykas, pagunda, trauka
- force on (v.) užsispyrus toliau daryti, tęsti, toliau varyti
- force onto (v.) užsispyrus toliau daryti, tęsti, toliau varyti
- force someone's hand () priversti ką ką nors daryti, primygti, paspausti
- wind-force (n.) vėtros stiprumas
- work force (n.) darbininkai, darbo jėga
- force upon (v.) užsispyrus toliau daryti, tęsti, toliau varyti
- military force (n.) pajėgos
- force reduction (n.) ginkluotųjų pajėgų mažinimas
- magnetic force (n.) magnetizmas
- force out (v.) išdurti, išdrėksti, katapultuotis, purkšti, švirkšti, iškeldinti, ištremti, išmesti iš darbo, sumažinti, atleisti, išspirti, būti išspirtam iš darbo
- force open (v.) išlaužti, atidaryti
- agricultural labour force (n.) žemės ūkio darbo jėga
- labour force (n.) darbo jėga
- rapid reaction force [V4.1] greito reagavimo pajėgos [V4.1]
- rapid reaction force [V4.1] (n.) greito reagavimo pajėgos [V4.1]
- paramilitary force (n.) sukarintos pajėgos
- multinational force (n.) daugiašalės pajėgos
- (coerce) to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means
- (cause) to urge or force (a person) to an action; to constrain or motivate
- (push) to move with force
- (communication verb) to impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably
- (wedge) to squeeze like a wedge into a tight space
- (drive) to force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically
- (pull) to cause to move by pulling
- (do forcibly) to do forcibly; to exert force Type of: act
- (penetrate) to take by force
- (forced-) produced by or subjected to forcing
- (involuntary) forced or compelled Similar to: involuntary
- (unscheduled) made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency Similar to: unscheduled
- (affected) lacking spontaneity; not natural
force sinonimai armed forces, armed services, effect, energy, forcefulness, force out, force-out, force play, forces, might, mightiness, military, military force, military group, military machine, military unit, personnel, power, services, strength, violence, war machine, break, break down, break open, bulldoze, bulldoze into, burst, burst open, coerce, coerce into, compel, compel to, constrain, dragoon, dragoon into, drive, enforce, enforce on, force on, force onto, force open, force to, force upon, impel, impose, impose on, impose upon, inflict, inflict on, jemmy, jemmy open, jimmy, jimmy open, oblige, press, press into, press on, press to, prise, prise open, prize open, propel, pry, pry open, push, saddle with, break down, break open, bulldoze into, burst, burst open, coerce, coerce into, compel, compel to, constrain, dragoon into, draw, drive, enforce, enforce on, enjoin, force on, force onto, force open, force to, force upon, hale, impel, impose, impose on, impose upon, inflict, inflict on, jog, jostle, jostle away, lever, nudge, oblige, plough on, press, press forward, press forward/on, press into, press on, press to, pressure, pressurise, pressurize, prize, prize open, pull, push, push ahead, push forward, push on, ram, squeeze, storm, take by storm, thrust, wedge, jemmy, jemmy open, jimmy, jimmy open, prise, prise open, pry, pry open
forced sinonimai affected, compelled, constrained, contrived, involuntary, laboured, obliged, strained, unnatural