freeze lietuviškai
freeze vertimas v (froze; frozen) 1) (už)šalti; pašalti; 2)perk. stingti; it freezesšąla; 3) sušalti į ledą (to, together); to freez down užšalti; to be frozen in būti ledų suspaustam; to freez on tošnek. tvirtai į ką įsikibti; to freez out šnek. išėsti ką iš (tarnybos ir pan.); to freez over/upužšalti; virsti ledu; sukietėti; to be frozen up sustirti, sustingti; prarasti žadą; freezing 1. n 1) užšalimas; 2) užšaldymas; freezing of wages algų įšaldymas;2. a 1) ledėjąs, šaląs; ledinis; 2) vėsinąs, šaldąs; freezing- pointn užšalimo taškas
- freeze out (v.) užšalti
- deep-freeze (n.) šaldymo kamera
- deep-freeze (v.) užšaldyti
- freeze off (v.) atsisakyti, atsakyti, atmesti, žiūrėti iš aukšto
- freeze-drying (n.) sublimacinis džiovinimas
- freeze down (v.) užšalti
- pay freeze (n.) darbo užmokesčio įšaldymas
- freeze over (v.) užšalti
- freeze-dried product (n.) šaldytas ir džiovintas produktas
- price freeze (n.) kainų įšaldymas
- freeze up (v.) užšalti
- (phase change) the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid
- (cold weather) weather cold enough to cause freezing
- (pause) an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement
- (limitation) fixing (of prices, wages, or so on) at a particular level Type of: limitation
- (stand still) to stop moving or become immobilized
- (change state) to change to ice Type of: change state. Similar to: freeze down. Followed by: solidify
- (suffer) to be cold Type of: suffer
- (change) to cause to freeze Type of: change
- (end) to stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it
- (ice up) to be very cold, below the freezing point Follows: ice up
- (physics) to change from a liquid to a solid when cold
- (withhold) to prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)
- (surgical operation) to anesthetize by cold Topic: surgical operation. Type of: anesthetize
- (act) to suddenly behave coldly and formally Type of: act
freeze sinonimai freezing, frost, freezing, halt, be freezing, be frozen, be frozen up, benumb, block, congeal, fix, freeze down, freeze out, freeze over, freeze up, harden, ice over, immobilise, immobilize, solidify, stiffen, stop, stop dead, suspend, be frozen up, freeze over, freeze up, frost over, ice over, ice over/up, ice up, deep freeze, deep-freeze, fast-freeze