go lietuviškai
go vertimas 1. v (went; gone) 1) ejti, vaikščioti; to go for a walk (swim) eiti pasivaikščioti (pasimaudyti); to go to school (college) lankyti mokyklą; 2) važiuoti; (iš)vykti; 3) nueiti; 4) išnykti; to go dryišdžiūti; the bank may go bankas gali žlugti; he has gone this year jis mirė šįmet; 5) veikti, dirbti (apie mechanizmą);the clock doesn't go laikrodis neina; it goes by electricity jį varo (suka) elektra; much money goes on food daug pinigų išleidžiama maistui; the story goes that... sakoma, kad... be going to do smtha) ketinti daryti tai, kas iš anksto sumanyta: We are going to buy a house mes pirksime namą; b) reiškiant spėjimą/galimybę: we are going to have a storm gali būti audra; c) reiškiant neatidėliotiną, tuoj pat įvyksiantį veiksmą: I am going to tell you a joke aš (tuoj) papasakosiu tau juoką (anekdotą); to go about a) vaikštinėti; vaikščioti į svečius; b) sklisti (apie gandus); c) keisti kursą (apie laivą); to go after smb/smthstengtis laimėti ar gauti; to go against smb a) prieštarauti; b) jausti pralaimėjimą; to go adrift dreifuoti; to go ahead tęsti; judėti pirmyn; to go along a) eiti toliau, tęsti; b) lydėti; c) sutikti (su kieno nuomone); to go at a) mestis (ant ko nors); b) imtis ko nors; to go awayišeiti, išvykti; to go back a) grįžti (tuo pačiu keliu); b) (onsmth)nebesilaikyti (žodžio, susitarimo); to go behind ieškoti (prasmės), nagrinėti (faktus ir pan.); to go between būti tarpininku; to go beyond viršyti (įgaliojimus); to go by a) praeiti pro šalį; b) priklausomybė (nuo); c) remtis (kuo), spręsti (pagal ką); to go down a) nusileisti (apie saulę); b) nuskęsti; c) nuryti; d) kristi (apie kainas); e) nutilti(apie vėją, audrą); f) eiti atostogų (apie studentus); to go for a) eiti; atnešti, atvesti; turėti vardą, garsėti (kuo); b) pulti(ką); c) tikti; d) ką nors užsipulti, iškritikuoti; to go for nothing niekam netikti; to go forth paskelbti, publikuoti, domėtis; to go in a) įeiti; imtis; b) tirti, tyrinėti; c) įpykti, įniršti; d) tyrinėti, svarstyti; to go in for a) dalyvauti, laikyti (egzaminus); b) domėtis; go in to smth a) įstoti; b) tyrinėti; to go in withsusijungti, bendrai veikti; to go off a) išeiti, išvažiuoti, išvykti; b) susprogti; iššauti (apie šautuvą, pabūklą); c) sugesti (apie mėsą, pieną); d) apalpti; e) praeiti (apie koncertą);f) išleisti, parduoti; to go on a) tęsti; b) elgtis; c) praeiti; d) įvykti; to go out a) išeiti; b) streikuoti; c) užgesti; d) baigtis (apie metus, mėnesį); e) atsistatydinti; to go over a) pereiti (į kitą pusę); perkirsti; b) perskaityti; peržiūrėti; c) apžiūrėti (pvz., butą); to go round a) užsukti į svečius; b) apeiti ratu; daryti lankstą; to go through a) pabaigti; b) priimti (įstatymą), svarstyti (klausimą); c) apieškoti; išlaikyti (operaciją); d) išleisti, iššvaistyti (pinigus, turtą); e) praeiti (apie instancijas); to go to: go to! na! ką gi!; to go together a) lydėti; b) tikti (apie drabužį); išeiti po porą; to go under a) skęsti; b) bankrutuoti; to go up a) pakilti; b) prieiti; c) augti, didėti; d) susprogti, sudegti; e) vykti studijuoti (į miestą); to go with a) susiderinti; b) išvien veikti; c) lydėti; d) pritikti; to go without išsiversti be ko nors; it goes like this dalykas tas; to go bad gesti (apie daiktą); to go halves dalytis pusiau; to go west šnek.mirti; it goes without saying savaime suprantama;2. n šnek.: at one go vienu ypu; it is no go tai nepraeis; all the go labai populiarus ar madingas; to be on the go būti aktyviam
- (work shift) a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
- (attempt) a usually brief attempt
- (board game) a board game for 2 players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
- (club drug) a stimulant drug that is chemically related to mescaline and amphetamine, and is used illicitly for its euphoric and hallucinogenic effects; it was formerly used in psychotherapy but in 1985 it was declared illegal in the United States
- (displace) to change location; to move, travel, or proceed; also used figuratively
- (act) to follow a procedure or take a course
- (go out) to move away from a place into another direction
- (become) to enter or assume a certain state or condition
- (be awarded) to be awarded; to be allotted
- (have, particular form) to have a particular form
- (range) to stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; to run or extend between 2 points or beyond a certain point
- (happen) to follow a certain course
- (disappear) to be abolished or discarded Type of: disappear
- (be, continue, be) to be or continue to be in a certain condition Type of: be
- (cause to be perceived) to make a certain noise or sound
- (function) to perform as expected when applied
- (end) to be spent or finished
- (progress, being changed) to progress by being changed
- (survive) to continue to live through hardship or adversity
- (certain state, affairs) of a certain state of affairs or action, to pass, fare, or elapse
- (decease) to pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
- (belong) to be in the right place or situation
- (compare) to be ranked or compare Type of: compare
- (start) to begin or set in motion
- (make a motion) to have a turn; to make one's move in a game
- (be contained in) to be contained in
- (be sounded, played) to be sounded, played, or expressed
- (harmonize) to blend or harmonize
- (lead, extend, afford) to lead, extend, or afford access
- (be, right size) to be the right size or shape; to fit correctly or as desired
- (search) to go through in search of something; to search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way
- (be spent) to be spent Similar to: run low
- (choose) to give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number
- (fail) to stop operating or functioning
- (A-OK) functioning correctly and ready for action Similar to: A-OK
go sinonimai bounce, ginger, go down, go under, pep, peppiness, set, Adam, antic, ardor, ardour, caper, crack, cristal, disco biscuit, ecstasy, effort, élan, endeavor, essay, farce, fling, go game, hug drug, joke, offer, pass, pizzazz, practical joke, prank, put-on, shot, spell, spirit, tour, trick, turn, vigor, vigour, vitality, whirl, X, XTC, zest, attempt, effort, endeavor, endeavour, energy, exertion, stab, stroke, try, vigor, vigour, zip, essay, shot, accord, agree, be, become, become extinct, be in operation, belong, be running, be working, bite the dust, blend, blend in, break, break down, buy the farm, cash in one's chips, choke, come along, come out, conk, conk out, depart, depart this life, die, die out, disappear, drive away, drive off, drop dead, dry up, endure, exist on, exit, extend, fail, fall, fit, function, get, get by on, get going, get stuck, give out, give-up the ghost, give way, go along, go away, go bad, go in for, go wrong, grow, harmonise, hold out, hold up, jam, keep o.s. alive with, kick the bucket, last, lead, leave, live, live on, locomote, make, make both ends meet, make do with, make ends meet, manage on, move, operate, pack up, pass, pass away, pass on, perform, perish, plump, pop off, proceed, push along, read, repair, rifle, run, run along, run down, run low, run short, seize up, set off, set out, sound, start, subsist on, survive, take off, travel, turn, vanish, withdraw, work, croak, decease, expire, snuff it, belong, go away, go to, leave, take off, push along, become, fall, get, grow, turn