hack lietuviškai
hack vertimas I n 1) nuomojamas arklys; 2) samdomas rašytojas redakcijoje; 3) amer. nuomojamas ekipažas II 1. v 1) sukapoti į gabalus; 2) įkirsti, įkirpti (at): 2. n: hacking cough sausas kosulys
- hack saw (n.) metalo pjūklas
- hack (n.) taksi, juodas jautis, prižiūrėtojas, kalėjimo prižiūrėtojas, kalėjimo viršininkas, rantas, užkarpa, įpjova, įraiža, įkarpa
- hack (v.) kapoti, prakirsti, prakapoti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (unskilled person) one who works hard at boring tasks
- (politician) a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends
- (writer) a mediocre and disdained writer
- (tool) a tool (as a hoe, pick, or mattock) used for breaking up the surface of the soil Type of: tool
- (car) a car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money
- (jade) an old or over-worked horse
- (horse kept, hire) a horse kept for hire Type of: horse
- (saddle horse) a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport, and so on Type of: saddle horse
- (chop) to cut with a hacking tool
- (cope) to be able to manage or manage successfully
- (cut away) to cut away Type of: cut
- (basketball game) to kick on the arms Topic: basketball game. Type of: foul
- (rugby football) to kick on the shins Topic: rugby football. Type of: foul
- (program) to fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
- (edit) to significantly cut up a manuscript
- (cough) to cough spasmodically
hack sinonimai hackneyed, stereotyped, attendant, cab, cough, coughing, drudge, hacker, hackney, hackney cab, hackney carriage, hack writer, horse, jade, literary hack, machine politician, nick, notch, penny-a-liner, plug, political hack, scribbler, snick, taxi, taxicab, warden, warder, ward-heeler, nag, chip, chop, chop off, cough, cut, cut down, cut off, cut up, gash, hack on, hew, lop, lop off, notch, whoop, cough, chip, chop, hew, lop
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