handle lietuviškai
handle vertimas 1. n 1) rankena; 2) pretekstas, proga; to give/leave a handle to smb duoti progos/pretekstą; to fly off the handle nebesusivaldyti; 2. v 1) liesti; imti rankomis; 2) valdyti (mašiną); 3) elgtis, traktuoti; 4) prekiauti, pirkti-parduoti
- handle carefully (v.) elgtis atsargiai, pasigailėti, pagailėti, apsaugoti
- handle roughly (n.) stumdyti, visur varinėti, blogai, žiauriai elgtis su, nenusileisti, priešintis, blogai/žiauriai elgtis su
- door handle (n.) apvali durų rankena
- fly off the handle (v.) įsiusti, netekti kantrybės, įsikarščiuoti, nesusivaldyti, užvirti pykčiu, prarasti savitvardą, pasiusti
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (appendage) the appendage to an object that is designed to be held to use or move it
- (command) to be in charge of, act on, or dispose of
- (interact) to interact in a certain way
- (broach) to act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression
- (touch) to touch, lift, or hold with the hands
- (wield) to handle effectively
- (keep in line) to show and train Type of: manipulate
handle sinonimai grip, haft, handgrip, hilt, hold, shaft, shank, helve, doorhandle, door handle, doorknob, deal with, feel, manage, maneuver, manipulate, market, operate, sell, supervise, take on, treat, wield, address, be concerned with, brandish, care, cover, deal, deal with, discuss, do by, exert, go over, go through, maintain, manage, palm, plow, take in hand, take under one's wing, to take someone under your wing, treat, wield
Netoliese handle esantys žodžiai