harass lietuviškai
harass vertimas v 1) erzinti, trukdyti, trikdyti; 2) puldinėti (ką)
Paaiškinimas anglų kalba
- (annoy) to annoy continually or chronically
- (attack) to exhaust by attacking repeatedly Type of: attack
harass sinonimai afflict, agonize, annoy, assail, assault, attack, bait, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, besiege, bombard, bother, chafe, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, disturb, embarrass, grind, harry, haunt, heckle, hound, importune, molest, perplex, plague, press, provoke, pursue, storm, tease, torment, vex, waylay, worry, agonise, hassle, pester
Netoliese harass esantys žodžiai