hard lietuviškai
hard vertimas 1. a 1) kietas; tvirtas; 2) sunkus (darbas, metas); 3) atšiaurus (klimatas); to be hard up būti sunkioje padėtyje, stokoti; hard and fast rules griežtos taisyklės; hard drink amer. svaiginamasis gėrimas; svaigalas; hard labour sunkieji darbai; 2.adv stipriai; smarkiai; daug; hard by arti; hard at hand visai arti; it will go hard with him jam bus blogai
- hard of hearing (adj.) neprigirdintis
- hard-of-hearing (adj.) neprigirdintis
- hard disk (n.) kietasis diskas
- hard at it neatsitraukiant dirbantis, sunkiai
- hard coal (n.) antracitas
- hard-core (adj.) pornografinis
- hard knocks (n.) nelaimė, sunkus išmėginimas
- hard disc (n.) kietasis diskas
- hard cheese (n.) nesėkmė, gaila, nepasisekė, et, nepasisekė!, dar blogiau, kietasis sūris
- hard cheese (n.) kietasis sūris
- hard cash (n.) grynieji
- hard crocant (n.) irisas
- hard currency (n.) grynieji
- hard drive (n.) diskavedis, kietasis diskas
- hard done by nuskriaustas
- hard energy (n.) taršioji energija
- hard lines (n.) gaila, nepasisekė, nesėkmė, et, nepasisekė!, dar blogiau
- hard liquor (n.) stiprus alkoholinis gėrimas, alkoholinis gėrimas
- hard right (n.) kraštutinė dešinė
- hard drink (n.) stiprus alkoholinis gėrimas, alkoholinis gėrimas
- hard hat (n.) statybininkas
- hard hat (n.) šalmas
- hard luck (n.) gaila, nepasisekė, nesėkmė, nelaimė, et, nepasisekė!, dar blogiau
- hard luck! () nesėkmė, gaila, nepasisekė, et, nepasisekė!, dar blogiau
- Hard water Kietis (vandens)
- hard-back (n.) knyga kietais viršeliais
- hard up (adj.) bepinigis, nuskurdęs, ant skurdo ribos, pusbadžiu
- hard worker (n.) darbštuolis, besotis, kalikas, vergas
- hard-and-fast (adj.) griežtas, tvirtai nustatytas
- hard-wearing (adj.) gerai dėvimas, patvarus
- hard-wearing (adj.) ilgalaikis, tvirtas, pastovus
- hard-hearted (adj.) kietaširdis, griežtas, kietas, žiaurus, negailestingas, nepalenkiamas
- hard-boiled (adj.) kietai virtas
- hard-hartedness (n.) žiaurumas
- hard-nosed (adj.) praktiškas
- hard-headed (adj.) blaivaus proto, praktiškas, dalykiškas
- hard-earned (adj.) sunkiai uždirbtas
- (difficult) not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish, comprehend, or endure
- (careful, dispassionate) careful and dispassionate Similar to: calculating, case-hardened, steely
- (resisting weight, pressure) resisting weight or pressure Similar to: adamantine, al dente, corneous, firm, granitic, hardened, petrous, semihard, steely,...
- (stiff) very strong or vigorous
- (effortful) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
- (whispered) produced without vibration of the vocal cords
- (concentrated) of light, transmitted directly from a pointed light source
- (velar) of speech sounds, ; produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum Similar to: velar
- (indulgent) given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites, especially for intoxicating liquors
- (alcoholic) being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
- (bad) unfortunate or hard to bear
- (stale) dried out Similar to: stale
- (effort, force, vigor) with effort, force, or vigor
- (firmly) with firmness
- (earnestly, intently) earnestly or intently
- (severely) causing great damage or hardship
- (slowly, difficulty) slowly and with difficulty
- (heavily) indulging excessively
- (solid condition) into a solid condition
- (very, close, space) very near or close in space or time
- (pain, distress, bitterness) with pain, distress, or bitterness
- (full extent possible) to the full extent possible; all the way
hard sinonimai adamantine, alcoholic, arctic, arduous, as cold as ice, austere, austerely, awkward, backbreaking, biting, bleak, burdensome, callous, complex, complicated, concentrated, cruel, difficult, difficultly, dour, draconian, exhausting, fatiguing, fermented, fierce, firm, flinty, formidable, freezing, frigid, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, hard-hearted, hard-heartedly, harsh, heartless, heavy, icy, impenetrable, inclement, inflexible, intemperate, intricate, knockout, laborious, operose, painful, penetrating, perplexing, piercing, polar, punishing, puzzling, raw, rigorous, rough, severe, shrewd, solid, steely, stepmotherly, stern, stiff, stony, strict, strong, surd, tight, tiring, toilsome, tough, troublesome, uncomfortable, undeniable, unkind, unpleasant, unrelenting, unsparing, unsympathetic, unvoiced, unyielding, uphill, violent, voiceless, wintery, wintry, grueling, gruelling, shattering, sticky, firmly, heavily, intemperately, severely, austere, austerely, hard-hearted, hard-heartedly, hardly, harshly, rough, stepmotherly, toilsomely, wearisomely, with difficulty